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Adepts - 28. page

The Clichemancer

sure we’ve all met that guy who tells us, “The grass is always greener on the other side!” The Clichemancer All the time we just thought he was an asshole(and […]

Ian |


These guys really don’t believe in magic. Vacuumancer ‘Empty mages’ or black holes are an adept’s worst nightmare. They do not believe in magic, so much that they keep it […]

Aaron Harmon |


Laughter-based magick “Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.” – Mel Brooks Even if you’re part of the most […]

Herzwesten |


Music-based Magick There are two universal languages, at least if you believe science; mathematics, and music. Music is something that pretty much everyone can relate to, genres not withstanding. Everyone […]

Punkey |

Domestic Shamanism

Hear! Kitty kitty… In the past animals were things to be hunted or feared. Later they were kept for food or for fleece, or to keep out the unwanted, or […]


The Ignotamancer (V1.0)

Obscurity and Trivia-based magick. The Ignotamancer (AKA Trebeks) You know that Knowledge is Power – of course, everyone else knows it too. What the bastards don’t know is what knowledge […]

Forrester |


Great! Now those jackasses have magic! You’ve been there a thousand times. You’re driving along in the left lane, minding your own damn business, when some terminally inbred moron (probably […]

Dan Bayn |

The Emphysemamancer

The magick of heavy smoking. They were coming for him. He could smell them, out there in the darkness. His lungs burned as he ran through the concrete warren of […]

Gar |

The Glutomancer

Fat Magick. Do I look fat in this? It’s all about food. Evolution is just getting better at getting stuff to eat, and not being stuff to eat. Every living […]

Gar |

The Phobomancer

Fear-based Magick. Summary: There are very few motivating forces that are as potent and insidious as fear, and Phobomancy, in one form or another, has been around for a long, […]

Simon Foston |