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Through the Altar of Coke

As told by Steve McMannon in the Hallowed Ground bar, Pine Vault, England.

“So, you know what I hear? Bad buzz. London.
There’s a coke machine outside Paddington underground and homeless people have started camping out there.
I mean, its nuts, there’s no shelter and it gets cold as hell. Its public so the police have been giving them a load of hassle. But half an hour after one group gets moved on another just take their place.
So far this is just street people being strange right, no big deal. Here’s where it gets dark. Two of them have gone into comas, not that unusual they get taken off to hospital and put on machines and junk. But here’s the thing:
They’re getting better.
There’s a pair of London tramps in a hospital somewhere and the story goes that they’re tanning whist they lye like vegetables. Their hair and teeth have fallen out only to be replaced by perfect rows of pearly whites and long glossy locks.
Instead of wasting away they’re developing muscle tone you only get if you sculpt and I hear the woman’s got a pair that’ll leave you drooling.
Now the street people say those are two that made it. They say that there’s a place where everyone lives like they do on television. Where all your problems can be solved with the right shampoo or chocolate bar. They say you can get there through the altar of coke machines. They’ve got real into the whole cult thing.
But the nasty bit is the two people who have been wired to monitors, defying all the medical rules. Their just lying there, second by second generating data that cant possibly be and sooner or later some smart ass doctor is going to start doing some digging.
The Sleepers must be going nuts.”

3 thoughts on “Through the Altar of Coke

  1. BrandRobins says:

    I just have to say that rumors like this are the single most useful thing on the site for my style of gaming. Scenarios are often over determined, but things like this just give me all kinds of crazy spin ideas.

    Please, everyone, keep them coming.

  2. Trent Redfield says:

    I agree with Brand. The rumors section is why I keep coming back to this website. Rumors I can run with. They add so much to an UA campaign. Keep them coming!!!

  3. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    I love this one. Magick that reflects the mass consciousness, secret desires, and collective half-beliefs of everybody… that’s how magick works…


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