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The Hogwarts–Middle Earth express

Ten million fans can’t be wrong

You know those Lord of the Rings books right? And the Harry Potters. What they didn’t tell you is all those places exist. No one knows about this. Not even the authors, but there really their. See when these books became popular enough people become knew of them, and they had such an affect on the people that they were brought into being.

So you want in now huh. Well I’m not gonna give this out to anyone, but for say 100 bucks sure.

Here’s how to get into middle earth:
Get a grey hat. Pointy like a witches you know. And some grey robes. Oh and a staff, a pipe and some chalk.

Then you get a wooden door. A round small one. Just like in the book. Lean it aginst a hill. Write some runes into it that mean Thief for Hire. Norse runes are fine. It doen’t matter.

Next knock on the door 5 times. Then sit on the hill and smoke the pipe. Then leave. Come back at night and knock on it seven times. The door should open. Go in. You will be in bag end.

Now how to get to Hogwarts. Cover yourself in ash and ground snake skin. Put on harry potter style glasses. Sit in a fireplace with a pile of the same ash and skin in your hands, Throw it over yourself and close your eyes.
When you open them you’re there.

A warning though. In middle earth magick is looked down upon. Ritual magick works like normal. Adept magick requires x2 charges and avatar magick don’t work worth jack.

In Hogwarts Adept magick works like normal. Avatar magick works like normal and ritual magick is easier(don’t subtract 30 from soul roll)

Oh and you can’t change some things their. You can’t alter any event which most of the fans know happened, and you can’t destroy important places or people.

Well now that you know. SCRAM!

6 thoughts on “The Hogwarts–Middle Earth express

  1. C.P. says:

    No Avatar magick in Middle Earth, but Adept magic works? That really doesn’t make sense to me.

  2. M121 says:

    Its because the people created middle earth in a way so that avatar magick wouldn’t fit but since adept magick is rebelling aginst the cosmos its just harder to pull off there.

  3. Alcar says:

    You’ve got it all wrong, friend. The middle earth? Hogwarts? They’re places, all right, but not worlds. They’re rooms of the House. Of course, it’s hotly debated what room they are, but some in the know claim that “Middle Earth” is the Room of Obsession, where people with obsessions so great it consumes them give them up to the world (It missed Henry Darger… :p). Many famous authors who only ever write one type of novel or character actors might touch this room….

    As for Hogwarts, well, some say it was a Room, once. A room that turned normals into adepts, tpook boring people and shattered the chains of banality so much they went unsane or insane or just plain loopy. And then it caught an avatar of the magician, or so I heard, who turned it into a private school, his own university for old-school magick…. but i could be wrong.

  4. M121 says:

    No No no it can’t be a room. We all know the real rooms that were written about are the rooms of great excpetations which turns a person into someone able to achive wealth and the room that is known as pokemon which turns you insane.

  5. Aisho says:

    I pretending that your right, and your not insane. See, the point is, if Hogwarts *was* real, everybody would *know*. J.F. Rowling would either have to be a muggle that knows, which isn’t likely unless your the Dursleys, or a witch who spilled to the muggle community. Ya. Gonna happen soon, just like Jesus flying down on a cloud of fire the next time you blink. Believe me. Jesus’ll come down soon enough. Don’t tempt fate, especially if your an Aithesist. Your not, right? *shiver*

  6. Khaliburn says:

    Can anyone say Sutter Cane? There’s one New England village he created that has got to be on everyone’s vacation plans!


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