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Extra Time

When the Clock stops sometimes I don’t.

Have you ever been sitting in a room by yourself and the clock stops? The room goes really still and you wonder what the time is. You start thinking about what to do tommorow and then tick, the clock starts again.

Wow you think, i must have missed a tick. You cant check because now it’s 20 seconds later and so you go one with your day slightly disquieted.

Bad news my friend, you didnt imagine it. Sometimes Time just stops. Not individual time you understand, when it happens you can still go and do things. No I’m talking Time with a capital T. External reality stops running for a few seconds and then as soon as it started, time starts again.

The first time i noticed it i was 9, it was a soccer game and i got the ball. Suddenly the ball paused in mid air and everyone stopped cheering. I went to kick it and my foot passed through the ball. As quickly as it happened, everything started again. My foot was behind the ball and i missed a chance at goal.

If that was the only time it would have been weird, but over the years its happened more and more.

Sometimes you dont notice it too much, you might be in bed and things are more peaceful than normal. You might wake up after an hour fully rested and feeling like a million bucks. Other times you wake up and it feels like a week past you by and your body’s all achey.

Sometimes though, your wide awake. Sometimes you get more than a few seconds, sometimes you get minutes.

The first time i got a minute i was in BK eating a hamburger. The city went completly quiet and i could see everyone in mid bite of their lunches. Then out of the corner of my eye i saw it. Shadows moving. i turned around and saw the vacant grin of a storehand serving a surly looking drunk. Again shadows moving. I turned again and saw a tired mother being screamed at by two frozen children a tear half-way down her left cheek.

I dont know what the shadows are for certain but im worried that one day when everyone needs respite they’ll stop time for good. Thats why if anyone else experiences this frozen-time I need to know. Im hoping that when the world stops for good there’ll still be company to fill the quiet. I’d hate to be alone watching for shadows behind me.

4 thoughts on “Extra Time

  1. Insect King says:

    And one of those shadows went up to the mother and tongued her tear like a hummingbird needling a flower for nectar.

    The problem with the shadows is they’re very thin.

  2. deathmonkey says:

    if Time stops, how can you measure it by seconds and minutes?

  3. bennzbub says:

    Approximation. the only way to measure something is by personal understanding. If you have a rough idea for the ammount of individual time spent in 0 time then you wold measure it the only way you knew.

    the metaphysical must always be built of the understanding of the individuals experiencing it.

  4. Mr Unlucky says:

    Shroedinger’s Cat, as applied to UA:

    The cat is neither alive, nor dead.
    It is in between the states of living and dead, and it is missing; implications are that it never was.

    People now know you know.



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