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Modern Avatars?

Who’s channelling what? Who can tell these days…

Mad. They’re all mad, you know.

I was browsing around the ‘net, y’know, like you do, and I came across this message board. Packed to the brim it was, everyone with their own opinions, willing to fight to the death to be heard. What opinions were these? Who’s an avatar these days.

I swear, some of the debates on there were ugly. Half the wannabe Demagogues in existence must have been hanging around, trying to get heard. But there were a few good things hanging around.

Everyone reckons that David Beckham’s probably an avatar of the MVP, maybe even a Godwalker. Some nerk suggested that Wayne Rooney got a touch of that power a while back, and Johnny Wilkinson was another one. I don’t know about the second two, but Becks has got some major Mojo going on there.

Some people there were just wierd. There was a small grou who were saying that John Prescott – British government minister for those not in the know – is going for the position of One True King of the North-East of England. The Blair-Brown conflict was being put down as our beloved Chancellor’s channelling of the Usurper. Robert Kilroy-Silk has also been put down as a third-rate Patriomancer, but I don’t believe any of that nonsense.

Then we got onto the real meat of the discussion – what’s with GeeDubya? Some patriots were saying he’s the One True King of America. I heard a vocal minority claiming he was the Warrior, keeping an eternal war going against ‘Evildoers’. There was a huge debate over whether or not he could count as a Demagogue, half the people saying nobody who makes so many misstatements could possibly be one of them, and the other half saying that it’s only because he’s one of them that he fucks up so much and gets away with it. I even heard one joker claiming that he was the Fool, because he does so many stupid things, but does the shit ever stick to him? Not a bit…

Like I say, they’re all mad. Any other suggestions as to who’s whom?

6 thoughts on “Modern Avatars?

  1. lain says:

    I think that Jason Mews (of Jay and Silent Bob fame) was a god walker for the fool. I think he almost asended after Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back came out, but something prevented it and that why he looks so weird now.

  2. deathmonkey says:

    george w. bush isn’t an avatar of anything. he’s just in with those clueless bohemian grove people that like to pretend they’re satanists. it’s like a step of sophistication up from his skull and bones days.

  3. Miniature Wicker Zombu says:

    Karl rove is definatly the Puppet Master (the Cryptocrat?) or something though, manipulating the entire mass media and Bush AND the democrats. if he can get Bush elected…

    I’m starting to feel there is some special mojo just waiting to be discovered, that’s inherent in elections themselves, if getting some people to not vote, while at the same time getting other people to vote how you want them to gains charges, it would explain all the vote fraud/disenfranchisment stories both sides have been chucking at each other down in the trenchs.

    Would also explain why officials always seem so much more incredible and better while campaigning than they do before or afterwards, they’re charged up and slinging mojo about before they taboo by being elected/losing.

  4. TedPro says:

    I’m wondering about the guy who dove into a lion’s cage to convert two lions to Christianity, and got attacked on television.

    Clearly, he was trying to gain publicity for his Avatarhood, but what’s his Archetype? The Fool? The Martyr? Is he trying to take a new spin on The Fool and become The Man of Blind Faith?

    Or, you know, is he just a dumb nutbar?

  5. ChaosButterfly says:

    my guess… Dumb Nutbar.

    But definately think George really is trying to channel the Demagogue. The big thing I think why we can’t find Osama is that be ascended to be the Terrorist.

  6. Regis2001 says:

    Interesting theory, but I don’t reckon Binny would count as the Terrorist. He controls terrorists, rather than being one. After all, when was the last time Osama bombed anyone personally? If you want an Archetype he embodies, try the Evil Genius. It actually fits very well, even including sending messages confirming his own existence in some mocking and unlikely manner.


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