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Three little Rituals

Found individually Tattooed on the backs of three strippers…

The Witche’s Brood

Create a brew, half made up of the crushed remain of a single type of vermin, beaten and squashed to form a sticky paste, add in the blood or crushed remains of a creature that preys on the first vermin, top the rest of the mixture off with the caster’s blood, extracted in the most painful way possible, then heat over a flame until it bubbles before drinking it all in a single go.

After this, the Witch shall be able to control the actions of the first type of vermin, either individually or in large groups and swarms.

(Cost: 4 minor charges, effect lasts for as many days as health lost topping the concoction off with blood, soul or magic rolls allow the caster to control the vermin. The vermin can sometimes control the caster in turn)

Time Waster

Steal a sundile (any time measurement device) Belonging to another and destroy it as the first rays of the sun touch it in morn. On the saim daye, interrupt and occupy another person with a pointless and unproductive activity, such as pleasent banter about the weather, for as long as possible, thereby stealing another person’s time for your own use

(Cost: 4 minor charges, the effect allows the caster to either move twice as fast as usual for half as long as the other person’s time was wasted, down grade a single sig or major skill check of the casters choosing (sig to minor, major to sig), or have a single extra round of actions in combat, what ever effect is chosen, requires a soul or magic roll to activate the stolen time)

a Ritual of Lycanthropy

Using no instrument or weapons, personally Kill a predatory animal of your choosing and wear the skin of it’s head over your head so as to totally conceal your face and hair. While wearing the animal head, symbolically eat the largest of the animal’s prey.
After these actions have been done, the ritualist will be able to transform into the predatory animal at will until the next full moon

(Cost: 3 sig charges. Changing requires a soul or magick roll. In layman’s terms “symbolically eat” means perform oral sex on the largest prey animal of the first animal, GM writes up the PC’s Animal form Body/speed stats and skills to best represent the animal chosen)

2 thoughts on “Three little Rituals

  1. Unfinishedbusinessman says:

    I don’t like time waster because it seems like it should have more of an effect on the victim that your stealing time from, rather than a buff spell.

    The lycanthropy ritual is cool, disgusting but cool. How long does the change last though?

  2. Unfinishedbusinessman says:

    Now I want to know about these strippers.


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