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Diamond Dust

A mystic and unpleasant jeweller.

Born Dusty Fredrickson in 1966, Diamond Dust might as well have been fated to become an adept. His mother experimented a lot with drugs during her pregnancy, and while Dusty avoided mental retardation and had all the standard body parts, he was a little… odd. Nothing you could put your finger on. He just seemed a bit distracted all the time.

He acquired an early fascination with shiny objects as a child, and as he grew up, this gradually concentrated on gemstones and jewelry. When he started reading up on methods to create artificial gemstones, that’s when things began to get weird. One night, staring up at the ceiling and facing one of his frequent bouts of insomnia, he finally “got it”.

Artificial gemstones could be made totally flawless, as perfect crystal specimens. But they weren’t nearly as valuable as natural specimens because it was the flaw in the gem itself that made it valuable. The imperfection was what made something better.

From then on, Dusty was never the same.

Name: Dusty Fredrickson

Personality: Virgo. Highly critical of others, with a keen eye for detail.

Obsession: (Gemancy) The Ideal Flaw. The imperfection that causes the perfect to transcend perfection.

Wound Points: 45

Rage Passion: Insensitive Louts. Dusty has a problem dealing with those who don’t appreciate or understand beauty.

Fear Passion: (Helplessness) DeBeers. They pretty much cornered the diamond market, and for someone who sees power in gems, this makes them dangerous.

Noble Passion: Acceptance of Flaws. Dusty would like people to be able to confront the parts of themselves they don’t like and come to terms with them, instead of running from or fighting against themselves.

Stats and Skills

Body 50 (Slim)
General Athletics 25%, Struggle 30%, Go Without Sleep 25%

Speed 60 (Careful)
Dodge 25%, Drive 30%, Initiative 30%, Firearms 35%

Mind 60 (Detail-Oriented)
Gemology 40%, Jeweller’s Eye (Notice) 50%

Soul 70 (A Little Cracked)
Salesmanship (Charm) 40%, Lie 25%, Magick: Gemancy 60%

Madness Meters

Violence: 3 Hardened, 2 Failed
Unnatural: 4 Hardened, 1 Failed
Helplessness: 2 Hardened, 3 Failed
Isolation: 0 Hardened, 0 Failed
Self: 3 Hardened, 3 Failed

Possessions: Many, many jeweller’s tools, assorted synthetic and natural gems, a nice house in the suburbs.


Gemancy is magick related to gemstones. The paradox is that the imperfections in natural gemstones make them more valuable than flawless synthetic specimens. To Dusty, this makes the flaw more important than the object with the flaw. The random magick domain covers, of course, gemstones and jewelry, but also covers perceptions and abilities. There is no blast, but a few spells can make the caster better able to mess with people.

The taboo is to ever reduce a gemstone, either letting it get tarnished or damaged or cutting it into smaller parts. Some significant spells use gems as material components; destroying the gems in these cases doesn’t count, but splitting up a large diamond into smaller ones for a set of earrings and a ring would zap all charges Dusty has. Since he’s a jeweller by trade, this can cause trouble.

Charging Structure

Minor Charge: Acquire a natural or synthetic gemstone for his private collection. It must be worth over one thousand dollars by normal standards.

Significant Charge: Synthesize a flawless or near flawless gemstone from raw materials. Worth does not matter as long as Dusty makes it himself.

Major Charge: Dusty’s not too sure about this. He thinks he can grab one by getting a world famous gem for his own collection.

Minor Formula Spells

Rock Hard: 1 Minor Charge
This spell makes the caster’s hands tougher and stronger, like diamond. All empty-handed attacks do +3 damage for being hard and heavy. This does not interfere with the natural movements of the hands.

Cat’s Eye: 2 Minor Charges
The target of the spell becomes fascinated, almost morbidly, with the negative qualities of the person closest to him or her.

Cubic Zirconium: 4 Minor Charges
The target focuses only on the positive side of the caster for a number of minutes equal to the casting roll. Negative elements, if brought up, are ignored or rationalized.

Corundum Conundrum: 4 Minor Charges
The target is perceived as being “phony” or dishonest for a number of minutes equal to the casting roll. It’s never any single quality that causes this reaction, simply a vague suspicion that he’s hiding something or can’t be trusted.

Handle With Care: 5 Minor Charges
The target of this spell takes an extra die of damage the next time they are attacked. This effect will dissipate if the target isn’t attacked within an hour of casting. The same hold’s true for accidental mishaps like falling down stairs or getting hit by a car.

Significant Spells

Amethyst Anonymous: 1 Significant Charge
This spell can neutralize the effects of any natural or unnatural contaminant of the body of the target. It’s useful for curing poison or some sort of hex, but it really shines against Narco-Alchemists and Dipsomancers. It’s not a one-shot charge drainer, but it can be used to mess with them on a peice by peice basis. One casting could disrupt minor narqui spells in progress OR remove one permanent significant narqui improvement, but not both. The improvement removed is chosen by the GM. Similarly, it can remove 10% of a Dipsomancer’s drunk penalty or cause one significant Dipsomancy charge to dissipate, but not both.

Diamond Dust: 1 Significant Charge
Dusty’s favorite spell and the source of his nickname. It requires a diamond, natural or synthetic, as a material component. When casting the spell, Dusty crushes the stone in his hand, magickally making it into millions of tiny diamond particles. He then blows the dust off his hand at the target. The target takes damage from thousands of tiny sharp objects perforating his body. This spell can be dodged, and can also be used to destroy stationary objects like doors or windows. A matched failure or fumble means Dusty accidentally inhaled the dusty, doing damaged to his own lungs.

Nothing Harder: 2 Sig charges
All firearms damage done to the caster is reduced to hand-to-hand damage. Hand to hand damage remains the same. The effect lasts three combat rounds.

Dusty doesn’t get significant charges on a regular basis, so he has only a few significant formulas. He does have plans for a spell to trap someone’s spirit as a demon slave by cremating their body and forming the ashes into a diamond like a Lifegem, but that’s in the far future.

5 thoughts on “Diamond Dust

  1. Unknown_VariableX says:

    Diamond Dust is written up rather one-dimensionally. This is what I intended. His motivations, history, and standing in the local OU can be customized by GMs needing unusual GMCs for some reason. Make him a saint or a psycho, calm or crazy, whatever you need.

  2. Insect King says:

    Holy crap! That’s a nasty charging structure.

    Have you considered using the Bibliomancers or Plutomancers charging schemes and adapting them. For minor charges let Gemancers collect industrial grade diamonds (such as drill bits). It will be a lot more accessible.

    Or merely meditate on a diamond for an hour for a minor charge.

    Also, there is a service that allows one’s ashes to be mixed into a cubic zircon.


  3. Unknown_VariableX says:

    I suppose that makes sense. I just stumbled onto the paradox and thought it might make for a nice duke, friend or foe. Other gemancers, PCs for example, could have not-so-strict standards compared to Dusty. They might have different taboos as well. Maybe I’ll write up a mopre user friendly version in the future.

  4. Mattias says:

    Ehrm… what exactly does the spell diamond dust DO?

    Agree on the minor charging, that’s expensive.

    Unless, of course, he’s allowed to sell from his personal collection. There is nothing that prevents that in the writeup. Is a pretty cool Magic-the-Gathering style charging structure actually…

    Swapomancy, anyone?

  5. HanValen says:

    Um, yeah, I have to agree with Mattias.

    Other than a fine powder of razor sharp sand (agreed, dangerous), what game mechanics would you subscribe to the spell?

    Also, don’t you believe that casting it would be a violation of the taboo and flush his charges?


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