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Domino Effect

Behind the scenes of Domino Day 2005…

I don’t know how much publicity this got in the USA (I’m from Hungary), so first of all:
Domino Day is about a bunch of people who put ca. 4 million tiles of domino into all sorts of neat patterns and pictures…and then on this day they start the domino effect.

This might sound like great fun, but I heard some unpleasent things about it:

-On the news they said some guy wants to sabotage the whole thing, like some “domino terrorist”. Actually, it’s an Annihilomancer who’s pretty serious about charging up tonight. Think about it:ruining something one hundred people worked on for months, got tons of publicity (at least in Europe), millions of people wait to see, etc. And I think I speak for all of us when I say: Charged up Annihilomancer=Not Good.

-“Mr. Domino”, the main man behind the idea is some kind of duke who charges up from creating domino effects. You know, setting up things that trigger other things and so on…and this will be his Masterpiece. They say if this thing succeeds he’ll have enough power to “hit one brick in a skyscraper and bring the whole thing down”. This=Worse.

-A clockworker I know is even more concerned about this: he told me the formations and patterns in this thing were familiar to him, so he asked around a little…turns out Mr. Domino got the ideas for the formations from “Kresna’s Plan”. Kresna was a mechanomancer who lived in the 17th century. They say he became pretty insane,and made a plan to…or became insane Because he made a plan? Well,that’s beside the point right now. The plan was about creating a doomsday weapon, something that could destroy the world, but it needed so many “coincidents” to work properly that when he turned it on the machine only destroyed Kresna…and itself. My clockworker friend also heard something about Mr. Domino hiring Entropomancers to “reinforce” something… My friend thinks if this whole thing works flawlessly tonight and no domino stand when it ends it will destroy the universe. The Ultimate Domino Effect. This=Worst.

3 thoughts on “Domino Effect

  1. Unknown_VariableX says:

    Didn’t a bird fly in and screw things up while they were working? And got shot for its trouble? Maybe someone in the Clergy tried to mess with them.

  2. Storyteller says:

    It was indeed a sparrow that sabotaged the event. They indeed shot the bird. Now get this: The bird (who has been named Maarten, post-mortum) has got his own condolences register on his very own website: (deadsparrow)
    There have also been death-threats to the person that shot the bird and the dutch PETA is preparing to sue the shooter. Various websites and dj’s (the controversial blog in front) have called upon the audience to sabotage the event further.

    Someone is definatly trying to kill two birds with one stone.

  3. Hatchet says:

    You know, I’m seriously thinking about submitting a duke who uses “dominomancy”. The symbolic tension could be about how you work tirelessly to create something that’s purpose is to be destroyed. If that’s not a paradox then I don’t know what is.

    His magick domain would be about domino effects, about how something insignificant can result in something huge and unexpected, via triggering effects that trigger different effects, etc.

    Yeah. I’m going to write the Mr. Domino of the occult underground.


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