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Stare at things long enough, you can grow an extra eye.
This is a first time for me. And i’m kinda new to the game, so if I dont get things right here I’d appreciate comments and suggestions on improving.

Nicknames: The Watcher in the Dark, Stalkers, The Man who knew Everything, Peeping Tom/Jane, Spies, Big Brothers

This school has always been around for a long time, but has always been a small group even with the advent of new surveillance technology simply because they never “advertise”. In the last few centuries, and well into the post-modern era, this has taken on more negative and ‘degenerate’ undertones. Celebrities often encounter them, women in particular have been victimized by them, governments have made use of them for ages. Imagine someone with unbridled information on you and everything you know and not just that, but also know everything because they can ‘see’ everything. These are the ones who know more about you than yourself.

New adepts often come into this school by ‘anonymous’ sponsorship or by stumbling onto the path through luck and sheer cleverness. You were always fascinated by the way you could see and notice things around you. You watched TV shows or your next door neighbor for hours and felt like a god for being omniscient. Pretty soon they began getting predictable, you could map patterns in behavior and predict reactions or outcomes, you sometimes began to take on characteristics for awhile losing yourself to the subject of the one you were ‘witnessing’.

It was the power of being able to ‘know’ about someone and reading them like an open book that got you off. After all life is so beautiful and much more interesting than your own; you already know about yourself. Wonder what your neighbors doing in her bedroom tonight. The violation of privacy and power of being all seeing but unseen is what it’s all about. Control of yourself and your subject is absolute. But you must always abide by the golden rule “Look but Do Not Touch”.

Charging restrictions: knowing all of a subject’s patterns, habits, and lives intimately. you must devote no less than 12 full hours to this task per day. and once you gain a charge, the number of days for gaining a charge doubles for every familiar subject you’ve already stalked.

Generate minor charge: watch two people (who they are makes no difference) for 4 days.

Generate significant charge: watch 5-10 people for 2-3 months.

Generate Major charge: watch on everyone in a city block down to the kids and pets and hobos, for a year and a day.

Taboo: “Never GET CAUGHT!”, “Never get ‘directly’ involved”

They would never understand your passion. Their revulsion and horror is nothing compared to the knowledge, their awareness of ‘you’ (your identity). Now they’re looking back and they can now have power over you.
No one can ever know you intimately. You must know about others. You can’t have relationships, no one must know anything about you fore otherwise would be your greatest nightmare come true.

You automatically loose all charges if someone knows or worse your subject knows about you and what you do. Finding out someone knows your identity and other details causes a Helplessness check.

You may communicate via notes, clues, disguises, anonymity, and vague cryptic messages but never face to face. You must always keep your identity secret.

Random Magick Domain: Surveillance, shadows, concealment, memory, night

Vigilomancy Blast Style: Lights go out, sounds are muffled, cold wind whips everything around you, memories are wiped. Shadows and concealment are your best friends

Symbolic Tension: They make everyone’s skin crawl, They seem to know something people don’t. They seem like they’re seeing right through you, they always are. Secretive and mysterious are the impressions they convey. Everyone feels naked, exposed, and become more aware of the shadows around them. Needless to say this school is not for the people person.

The GM may choose to make the PC roll for Self (Companionship) check every time he gains a charge reminding the Vigilomancer of his own isolation and desire for companionship. If they fail, they get a hardened notch on their meter and do something to get ‘closer’ to their subject. You secretly wish to know others face to face but greatly fear the untrustworthiness of human nature. You are living proof of this, so you secretly wish to be closer to people all the while avoiding them for fear of their notice.

Starting charges: none

Minor Formula Spells:
“Subject” in the descriptions refers to one of the people your stalking. “target” just means basically about anybody.

1 minor charge
Whistling while you walk in a given space or building, your ears pick up the rebound of sound. You map out what are the obstacles, persons and general layouts of the place or building. This only gives you a general idea, no specifics. Ex. there’s a fat guy and a skinny guy smoking next to some dumpsters in an alley with some bikes in the back.

Mice in a Maze
2 minor charge
stick your finger up in the air, or your nose whichever you prefer. in any place you get a hunch of whatever your looking for without prior knowledge on where it is. This only works on one object at a time.

2 minor charge
this has the same effects as dipsomancers Just a harmless drunk.

behavioral analysis
1 minor charge
spend some time studying or following the subject you can discern a pattern or routine in the subjects behavior. Ex. I know where he hides the keys to the house, it’s behind those pot of geraniums over there.

ESP (enhanced sensory perception)
1* minor charge
This only works for one sense at a time. choose which sense you want to enhance spend some time muffling it for 1 hour. blindfold yourself, wear ear muffs on your ears, plug up your nose. etc. spend mojo before you deprive your senses, after the hour is up. remove the covers and for the next hour treat all senses that were spent on in this way with a +20% bonus to stats.

Creep factor
3 minor charges
Light a fire, flip off a light switch, so long as some lightsource is extinguished, then release your mojo. This is the Vigilomancy blast, minus the wind blowing and memory wiping.

3 minor charges
buy a cup of coffee, take a sip, speak into the cup you can throw your voice at a target. make the mug talk, or the air around a person. you can say whatever you want so long as you keep speaking into the cup and it still has coffee. depending on the size of the coffee and the length of the message, the coffee will steadily run out as if it was being drained somewhere while this spell is in effect. Once the coffee runs out so does your 2 cents.

Are you being followed?
2 minor charges
if you feel like your being followed or someone is watching you right now. hold up a mirror to your face and if someone is really tailing you you’ll see what they’re seeing, or if you use a phone, you’ll hear what the other is saying. This requires some judiciousness on the part of the PC. If he’s just paranoid and there’s really no one then he’ll draw a blank and just wasted charges.

Big Brother is watching
3 minor charges
the subject makes an Unnatural check and if they fail they think that someone is following or watching them at that moment. Usually the FBI, CIA, TNI, or sleepers. depends on who the subjects fears the most. Ex. My stuffed bunny Rex is after me! But I buried the decapitated buggard twenty years ago!

Significant Formula spells:

I’m You
1 significant charge
Choose one of your subjects, dress like them. Roll your Soul stat, on a success, you gain that subjects knowledge and stats for one day. You can choose to extend this effect and make a Soul roll each time this spell is used. If the roll fails, the PC suffers a lapse in memory and forgets their real identity, losing themselves in their persona. This is reflected in a permanent 10% temporary loss in the PC’s Soul and Mind stat. On a fumble, the 10% for that roll becomes permanent. It requires a successful Soul roll to break the effects of this spell. If in trying to break the spell, the PC fumbles. The PC is stuck with no memory of his previous identity, may not try to re-roll for another day. If the PC’s soul stat is ever 50% less than his subjects soul stat. The PC becomes the subject, with his previous life forgotten.

They’re all talking about me!
2 significant charges
useful in office situations or large crowds. Choose one target, make an contested roll of your mind stat with the targets mind stat. If successful, the target starts to delude themselves that they can hear what people are talking about them behind their back. Turning friends into enemies in the eys of the target. Their train of thought would be something like this. Joe from financing is cute but I think he thinks I’m fat. and Shirlee from two cubes down thinks I’m a slut. They don’t like me, they all hate me.

If unsuccessful, the Vigilomancer starts hearing things and I don’t just mean when people are in the room.

Breath of the Shadows
3 significant charges
Vigilomancy Complete Blast. memories are wiped up till the last 20 minutes.

Lonely like me
2 significant charges
the Vigilomancer takes a picture of the subject and stickies the picture over a TV monitor while a video of the Vigilomancer singing the song “Lonely, I’m mister Lonely. I wish that I could go back home.” is playing. The subject will experience the loneliness of the Vigilomancer equal to the PC’s Fear passion Self (companionship) including all hardened or failed notches for as long as the video runs. If the video stops at anytime for whatever reason, the spell’s effect ends.

You were seeing things
1 significant charge
useable if your far away or just passing by. If anyone looks at you directly and appears to be actively looking for you. They give up their search or they’ll just think they saw something that wasn’t there.

You can run but you can’t hide
2 Significant charges
Make a mind check at -20% modifier. You get a hunch at where your subject is at that moment. The closer they are the more precise the hunch is and vice versa.

It wasn’t me
1 significant charges
If someone is chasing you, roll your soul stat, you can make your pursuers think they saw varying details of your description and chase red herrings all around. This is useable once. If the pursuers get a good look at you again, its back to the chase. ex. I think she was wearing a red scarf. Over there!

I know all about you
3 significant charges
you get a hunch roll to find out someone’s stats, knowledges, spells, history, possessions etc. So long as you don’t break eye contact with the target. The GM can continue to keep you guessing by giving hints and determining the difficulty of the rolls you have to make. Success or failure depends on your rolls, but the danger is that you don’t know if you’re receiving the right info since it’s the GM who only knows if you failed or not.

Cassandra Complex
5 significant charges
Watch a weeks worth of videos on one of your subjects (that’s right. watch a full week, or 168 hours, of video surveillance of one of your subjects). at the end spend your mojo. Then a special segment of the current tape your watching will show in detail everything that the subject will do in the next seven days. The Vigilomancer knows he can’t change anything on the tape or cd or what will happen.

Major charges.
See and hear through walls, accurately predict the future of one of your subjects, have perfect compartmentalized knowledge of all details of every subject you have ever stalked, Make the world forget you exist. Read minds for a week. Start seeing ghosts, spirits, or invisible things. See and know where and what your subjects are doing anywhere on the world. Spidey sense for danger. Turn into shadow. Make the shadows talk and work for you.

7 thoughts on “Vigilomancy

  1. Hatchet says:

    I think this is a pretty good start.

    My suggestions:
    -the minor and sig charges are too hard to get. The time it takes should be reduced to 1 day for the minor and 1 week for the sig.

    -the major effects should be tougher. Like, get the ability to read minds your entire life. We’re talking major charges here, think big!

    Besides these, I think it’s a pretty well worked-out school.

  2. Asiatic says:

    Thanks for the comments.

    Generate minor charge and sig charge are reduced to 1 day and 1 week respectively.

    Some of the major effects I wanted to include were turn invisible at will and pass through walls, but yeah the major effects can be made to perform something bigger. I just have to think of more stuff.

  3. Cal_Lous says:

    I don’t really want to be the guy who’s always harping on about symbolic tension, but where is it? I see no paradox in what the stalkers do. the symbolic tension is written as – they are creepy and know stuff – thats a good thing to force an adept to be, but its not a paradox. Know others but let no-one know you is on the verge of symbolic tension, but even that doesn’t quite feel like it fits the bill.
    Otherwise this school is fine, the effects are pretty nice, though a PC would have a hard time working with the other PC’s and not violate taboo.

  4. Asiatic says:

    hmm… what about the second paragraph under the entry for symbolic tension? Does that qualify?

    “The GM may choose to make the PC roll for Self (Companionship) check every time he gains a charge reminding the Vigilomancer of his own isolation and desire for companionship. If they fail, they get a hardened notch on their meter and do something to get ‘closer’ to their subject. You secretly wish to know others face to face but greatly fear the untrustworthiness of human nature. You are living proof of this, so you secretly wish to be closer to people all the while avoiding them for fear of their notice.”

    I was thinking maybe this can take the form of the PC spying on someone that reminds them of their past or just someone the PC fancies and decides to get “closer” to them. Like a lesbian single mom with
    2 kids, attracts the attention of the PC. the subject reminds the PC of his own parent and tries to get to know them better by disguising himself as a neighbor and constantly finds ways to talk to the subject but all the time keeping his distance for fear of intimacy.

    If the PC wants to get graphic he might develop a fetish for needing to touch the subject or even collect the subjects hair that collects on shower drains. Basically he’ll try to do something thats risky enough to expose himself because of his need for social interaction.

  5. Mattias says:

    Well, this last comment just convinced me even more that this is not a PC school. As a GM I don’t want a player adept whos main drawback is that he, when he’s not doing anything else, lives a troubled life. And a PC get plenty social (if not neccesarily human) interaction. Nah, wont’ use it.

  6. Lilliana says:

    What about something more along the lines of recording others lives? The subject can not know that it is being recorded and the recording can never be broadcast…though personal viewing may be ok. As for taboo, the adept can never willingly submit to having his image recorded. Something like a red light camera wouldn’t necessarily count for this but getting one’s driver’s license definitely would.

  7. Asiatic says:

    to mattias: Yeah, you’re right. that was my first thought, when i thought this one up. It couldn’t be useable much as a PC.

    Kinda like the Hermit Creed in the Hunter the Reckoning game from White Wolf. I liked the Creed, the concept of such PC’s was intruiging but ultimately only NPC compatible most of the time. Since they hear about everyting but couldn’t stand to be near people. Unless you have a PC whose willing to veritably shoot himself in the foot from time to time I dont see this getting much use. But I thought it’d be fun to make this up just the same. 🙂

    to liliana: that could work just as well. I like it.


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