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The True Lover

She who binds us together or forces us apart

The True Lover


In the wild prehistoric jungles, the lone wolf that left the fold to seek out a new mate in a that was different and over the mountain, ensuring genetic strength through heterotic diversification, organising new vitality into the germ line universe, giving extra strength to the general adaptability of the species as a whole..

The True Lover’s purpose is to bring disparate people together to establish propagation, diversifying the gene pool and to link disparate people and force them out into the struggle of their own destiny.

The True Lover bonds people together through adversity. It’s what makes us not leave our families behind when the going gets tough. True Love is there to hold our hand when we stand to face the worst ahead. True Love is the instinctual pack mentality that glues us so we do not have to face the dark, night alone.

True Love is hardly synonymous with happiness. In fact True Love is often linked with misery, gruelling trials, and inevitable, bitter disappointment. When True Love ends it is usually acrimonious. The Coming of the True Lover is often seen as one with strife, discord, and broken relationships.

The negative aspects represent unhealthy psychological tropes and genetic retardation of the community through incest, narcissism, extreme possessiveness and social isolationism – the very things the True Lover should discourage.

In the end the True Lover moves through the world reorganising emotional connections so that people function better for the betterment of their communities.

As a side note: the True Love can also use her Avatar True Love as a modifier to her Proxy skill. The Soul Mate never gains this percentage however.

The True Lover can never actively or directly sever any relationship without breaking taboo. If the partner has taboos (mystical or cultural), the True Lover has to adopt her partner’s taboos as well.

If the relationship is broken by the partner the taboo isn’t broken. The True Lover need not go back into a relationship once it has been broken off. In fact this may be seen as sidling up to the bad side of the True Love.

Once the relationship is fixed and agreed to by both sides, distance matters not. And what the True Lover does must be for the good of the partner and not necessarily for love.

Oddly enough neither couple need to actually be in an emotional or even sexual relationship for this to work. It is entirely possible for siblings or friends to form mystical bonds, or the two to be in a completely professional relationship and channel the True Love as long as the rest of the world thinks the relationship is genuine.

The True Lover is one of a pair – Life and Death: The Lovers of the Tarot arcana; Castor and Pollex: the Gemini Twins; Erzulie and Friday (voudun); Romeo and Juliet or Westside Story; Comedy and Tragedy; Lancelot and Guinevere, and many other examples, both good and bad.

Suspected Avatars in History:
There are a great many examples Dante (and Beatrice); Edgar Allen Poe (and Virginia); Richard Feynman (and the Unsolvable Quantum Equation); and Electrons and Positrons.

Special: The powers of the True Lover focus on soul mates. A soul mate is a single pair of matched partners that are in a cohered relationship. The soul mates do not have to be in a sexual relationship or even in love. They could be the best of friends, ardent companions, or they could hate each other while in a professional relationship. There must be an appearance or openness of love between the two, however.

01% – 50%:
The True Lover is a maelstrom of quirkiness as soul mates are forcefully collided with each other in the True Lover’s wake

The True Love can instantly know where someone’s soul mate is in the world, and that person’s name. The True Lover, however, cannot know her soul mate, which must be found by chance or consenting choice.

The True Lover finds his or her soul mate too. The soul mate need not, but can be an avatar of the True Lover.

The True Lover and soul mate gain a +10% synergetic shift to skill and stat checks, stress rolls, and magic abilities that play off, reinforce or re-establish the union and bond between them.

If the True Lover’s soul mate is an avatar of the True Lover, they both share a +20% shift. However this represents encroachment on the dark, unviable interpretation of the True Lover – one of isolationism and incest.

51% – 70%

Once per week the True Lover can roll his Avatar: True Love and raise her soul mate’s Wound score by the sum of the die roll. The True Lover’s soul mate can do the same and heal the True Lover but they cannot use this ability to heal themselves or others.

The definition of soul mate changes; a soul mate can also be an abstract concept like a specific employment, classic cars, absorbing hobbies, etc.

The True Love can also end the bond between soul mates instantly; make partners fall out of favour, make two enemies fall in love, or any emotional combination of both. A side note: the True Lover cannot alter the relationship, just mix the emotional values up a bit.

The True Love can change someone’s Obsession or Noble Passion with a roll of their Avatar: the True Lover skill (but not both unless they’re swapped around) regarding their potential soul mate, person or occupation. A person who has an Obsession or Noble Passion shift loses one off every hard and failed notch.

The True Lover can also damn a person into becoming a Suicide Stalker (UA2 306) when they die or end the suffering of one by modifying its Obsessions or Passions. The Suicide Stalker can be manipulated by the True Lover but control is mundane.

71% – 90%

If someone’s lover dies, that person she can be resurrected once per month as long as the death is not longer than three days and has the positive wound score equal to the sum of the Avatar: True Lover check but the True Lover and her partner lose a like amount off the combination of their Body and Speed stats or skills (player’s choice).

The body revives, living as if it was merely fell unconscious and is raised without any normal decomposition hassles.

In the end the True Lover knows when a relationship has run its course and should be let go. A True Lover can put the unquiet dead to rest by modifying its Obsession and Passions, allowing it to pass peacefully through the Veil.

By her position, no dead spirit can hurt her. They can try to possess her but they cannot control her and she can push them out with ease.

The True Lover does not need to roll for her final channel it is automatic. If a roll is required consider it a permanent 01 critical roll.

What you hear: After you’re born, and are about to enter the second hour of your life, an angel whispers into your ear: you can leave the world now or you can meet your true love later on.

When you first know your true love as your true love, you stop being a child. When you fall out of love with your first love, you’re no longer an adult.

And when the Godwalker of the True Lover moves, nations fall out of and into favour with one another and the long dead rise out of their graves uncorrupted to meet their lost loves one last time.

Wherever she goes, Sleeper assassins shoot whoever she speaks to. They would like to shoot her, but no one knows anything other than she’s female – they can’t even tell you what species she is.

Her lover is a powerful avatar of the Martyr that rises fully restored from death every three days.

This has gotten way too Biblical for even the Sleepers; the Cecilites are locking and loading for this yo-yo resurrectioneering couple.

6 thoughts on “The True Lover

  1. Qualia says:

    Interesting take on the concept – I like that you’ve made True Love broader than just traditional romance.

    I think the third channel might be a little over-powered, though, even with the loss of Body/Speed by the Avatar.

  2. Insect King says:

    I suppose you could swap the third and fourth channel around.

    I included those two to infer that love conquers all, even death.


  3. Unfinishedbusinessman says:

    It seems like the second and fourth channels contain multiple sub-channels. Shouldn’t each channel be a single power?

    I also don’t think the fourth channel is particularly good for an avatar. How does dealing with the dead have anything to do with true love?

    Protection from possession/demons is cool but how does it fit? Love conquerers all is a great theme why does it need to be focused on demons?

    Why not have somekind of self check to harm the Avatar or something?

  4. Insect King says:

    The third channel separates the living form the dead, and the fourth, the dead from the living.

    A mere self check for a fourth channel is a little weak.


  5. Wratts says:

    Demons actually fit in quite well, considering that obsession is somewhat “demonic” and “true love” is far from obsession. Not to mention that demons are believed to be a manifestation of a compulsive “wannabe still around but I’m already dead”-issue, and – according to Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet – true love transcends death.

    I likey. This is the first Avatar written by a 3rd-party-author I’m including in my campaign.

    Good job.

  6. Insect King says:

    Thanks Wratts.

    That’s the best compliment I could receive.




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