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Square marbles

In case you want to confuse your players.

(Note: “Square marbles” is an existing hungarian group. I’m hungarian, and even I have no idea what the f*ck they’re rambling about. You may visit their website here. The thing I’m about to write is a translation of the audio file you’ll find if you enter the site, click on “Albumok” , click on the first picture you find (the phone booth) and click on “Géza 1”. It’s creepy as hell, and I was just wondering if you guys had an explanation for it. It goes like this: )

“Hello. This is Complaints.”

“Hello. It’s me. ”

“Hello. Welcome. How may I help you?”

“It’s just that…I lost my ticket for the bus…and I can’t find it anywhere. I don’t know how I’m going to get home.”

“And…for which bus was that ticket for?”

“It was for Bus 4975. I’ve been stuck in this dimension for too long, and I don’t know how I’m going to get home. Could you help me?”

“I…I’ve never heard of “Bus 4975″ before. I don’t think there is one. Have you looked for it at the doctor’s? Ask a mental hospital, perhaps they could help you.”

“How DARE you? Have you never heard of another dimension before? You…you live in a SHOPPING BAG and have no idea what’s happening around you! I’m waiting for Bus 4975, the one that will take me to the Dawn Planet, where the Real Souls live! And you DARE mock me? For that I’ll lock you in a BUBBLE!”

“Alright, sure. Let’s just put down the phone. This is a little too much nonsense for a monday morning.”

“You IDIOT! There is no “monday”, there is no “morning”, there are NO “days”! There’s nothing but a Big, Empty Bubble! And the only way to get out of here is taking Bus 4975. Listen to me…in the next 50 minutes I’ll tell you something and…perhaps convince you…listen to me! Listen!…”

(If anybody’s interested (which I pretty much doubt) I could translate other files from the site. It’s extra confusing, I’m planning on introducing this to my players, as the start of a street level campaign.)

3 thoughts on “Square marbles

  1. Chesterberg says:

    Brr. Creepy as fuck. Sounds like a raving man-mental but can’t really tell until we have more. More, please!

  2. The McK says:

    Oh man. In my current UA group I have a Hungarian player. I’m thinking I’ll slip a couple of these into the soundtrack for the next game.

  3. Sonnlich says:

    Holy shit.

    I’m interested in more translations.

    No-one in my group speaks Hungarian but I’m still bringing this in.


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