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6 thoughts on “Phonomancy…

  1. Stephen Alzis says:

    If someone hasn’t stated this up as a full blown adept school within a day or so I will be very disappointed.

    I mean hell, the school’s opening blurb is already written for us in the overview:

    “Music is Magic.

    You know this already. You’ve known this from the first time a record sent a divine shiver down your spine or when a band changed the way you dressed forever. How does something that’s just noises arranged in sequence do that? No-one knows. It’s just… magic.

    Everyone knows that. It’s just that some realise that it’s more than metaphor.”

    If that isn’t UA…

  2. Insect King says:

    There are two versions of Cantomancers on this site already. Check them out under adepts.


  3. ChrisBrimstone says:

    None are indie enough!
    Seriouisly this comic book is how I see the world. Somebody needs to write it as a campaign

  4. Insect King says:

    You do it.


  5. ervae says:

    I agree that this reeks of UA’s style, I’d really love to write something about it but i would have to actually read the comics first

  6. ChrisBrimstone says:

    Hm? It seems you can pick up the general idea and magic style from the preview. Music = magic. Lots of coincidental and UA style stuff (Niblett putting messeges in the song directly for the lead guy, always being on the door for gigs). Just plug into your chosen musical subgenre, I guess.
    I will do this. After I finish writing up the new Hold Steady album as a campaign.
    After I stop procrastinating.


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