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Things I hope aren’t true

There are some things that even the Occult Underground doesn’t like to think about

Not all children are really children. Some of them are pedophiles practicing a form of Personomancy.

There’s this videotape going around… no, not the one with a well. It’s a shlock monster movie, but there’s this guy in every scene begging you to set him free. If you watch the movie until the last scene, he gets to swap places with you.

Money was created by the first Irascimancer. Have you seen how angry people get over money? The only reason that we don’t remember the time before money is that the Atlanteans changed our memories to better control us.

Forget crabs. Some hookers give you Astral Parasites.

My buddy found a real old ritual to make you invisible. I haven’t seen him in a month. Do these things wear off?

Archetypes were made to enslave humanity, by keeping us predictable. The only way to save us now is to teach as many people as possible to be adepts.

There’s no such thing as the Sleepers or the New Inquisition. They’re both stories made up to disguise individual murders. Watch me prove it.

5 thoughts on “Things I hope aren’t true

  1. Dungeon Maestro says:

    “Archetypes were made to enslave humanity, by keeping us predictable. The only way to save us now is to teach as many people as possible to be adepts.”

    I love this one.

  2. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    The first one, about the pedophiles, there was something in the news about that. Except even creepier. One pedophile had tricked two older pedophiles (one middle aged, one old) into thinking he was a teen. They then enrolled him in schools and… there were predictable results. This went on for a few schools until they were finally caught. If the pedophile pretending to be a kid while around other kids AND older pedophiles isn’t a personamancer, or a screwed-up ex-Child Avatar, I’ll eat my hat.

  3. Dominus says:

    I don’t know if that’s the story I heard about, but I did hear about one guy who looked younger than he was, shaved every day etc, and managed to get into high school. In the end he got expelled for truancy. I think that was a seperate incident to the one you mention. I don’t recall other pedophiles involved in the story I read.

    That said, the rumour I wrote isn’t actually based on that story. I just thought to myself ‘what’s one of the nastiest things someone could do with Personamancy?’

  4. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    I figured it wasn’t based on that story, but when you think of “horrible terrible people” a fake family entirely made up of pedophiles (two of which think the third is actually a kid, but is a 20-something) that go from school to school preying on children… well, throw in a mystic core and you’re on top of the game.

    I think I read on that story, too. Creepy, too. Made them review their admission procedures.

  5. Dominus says:

    A family composed entirely of pedophiles *is* pretty damn grim.

    I like the way that Unknown Armies just adds a nasty twist to real-world situations, rather than contriving theories of human behaviour that don’t match life.

    Thinking on a tangent… Maybe there could be a Room in the House of Renunciation that shakes up people’s sexuality?


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