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Ritual of The Madonna

give yourself the gift of innocence.

Tired of being called a slut? one degrading act can end it all!

Favored of some pornomancers in the earlier days of the Sect of the Naked Goddess, the ritual of the madonna is now widely believed to be a myth. But we know better now don’t we?

Preperations for the ritual:

-The Empress card, stolen from a tarot deck. (stolen as your reputation was from you)
-An image of the madonna
-3 of your mothers tears.
-one white pillar candle (extra mojo points if you get it from a catholic church.)
-A photo of yourself as a virgin.
-a large jar
-incense matches, allow me to reccomend sandalwood.
-A sexual partner who repulses you i.e. the man who raped you, your father,uncle,brother, that old man with no teeth that hits on you at the strip club. The point is they have to absolutely disgust you sexually, sleeping with them would have to be on your list right under un-anesthetized root canal. Incest packs the most punch though, rumor has it.

occult arts and crafts time:
-cut out your face from the photograph and paste it over the face of the empress on your tarot card, while chanting “Nox Aeterna, non Nox”

-next, cut the white candle into thirds and place the image of the madonna in one cut and the image of the you/empress into the other, melt the candle back together while chanting “Lux Aeterna, Non Lux”

-for the final step, put the candle into your large jar, and drink the tears of your mother (if you’ve got your mojo pumping correctly they should taste like bitter wine.) and say you’re sorry to her, directing your words into the jar. light the candle and then hurry towards your next step.

Your next step:
this is where things go from bad to worse.

At this point you must engage in the most degrading sexual acts possible with your repulsive sex buddy, and you MUST orgasm, all before the candle finishes burning.
As soon as you orgasm, spend three significant charges.(and make a self/helplessness check) and scream their full name.

Now, do NOT look at the jar untill the candle is finished burning, and do NOT take a shower, or do any action which could be considered cleaning yourself, untill you get your prize.

Your prize:
once the candle is done, if you’ve done everything right(wrong, whatever) the next time you look at the jar, it will contain a single card, with the madonna on one side, and yourself en flagrante with your partner on the other. (The madonna on the back is rumored to be the true face of the naked goddess, although most people don’t buy that.)

Now, why would anyone do all of this? why, because afterward, as long as you are completely open about your sexuality, no one will be able to view you as anything but a paragon of innocence. this gives you a positive 10% shift to all of your rolls where this would be applicable, such as lie, charm, appearence, etc. Also, anyone attempting to flat-out accuse you of a crime takes a negative 20% shift in trying to convince others that you did it, even if there is evidence.

Oh, by the way, the only person who doesn’t buy you as innocent is your partner in crime, who, while the events of that night are foggy, knows in his (or her)heart of hearts that you are the most depraved slut on the planet. Also, that photo on the back of your madonna card, one just like it turned up at his place while he was looking for something else. It is rumored that anyone who sees either copy of this photo will get the same feeling about you that the owner has, so I’d find it and hide it if I were you.

4 thoughts on “Ritual of The Madonna

  1. Neville Yale Cronten says:


  2. TheDarkestNight says:


  3. Basilisk says:

    Gotta love those creepy-ass rituals that take people out of their comfort zones.

  4. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    I also like the idea of the “Heartwarming Polyamorous Lesbian” result from when a lesbian amoromancer performs the ritual


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