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Whodunnit – The Repost

Everyone’s innocent until proven guilty; with this ritual, you can be innocent after.

Credit also goes to lllithid, and Infinity Pikachu.

This ritual requires;

A piece of your own ID,
A pen you’ve found without knowing who the owner is,
A piece of evidence indicating the event you’d rather not be associated with,
A Guess Who card, preferably depicting someone similar, regarding age, race, and gender,
A stamp, bought and paid for with change picked up off the ground or out of fountains,
A bottle of white-out, potentially,
A hotplate or something similar, and
The envelope from a game of Clue.

This ritual is to be performed by one’s self in a hotel room with its mirrors, windows, TV screen, and all—all—other reflective surfaces covered, as seeing your reflection at any point during the ritual will cause it to fail.

Turn the hotplate on and up to maximum heat and wait for it to be hot before pressing the pads of your fingers against it. The goal is to burn your fingerprints off—you don’t have to be burnt any worse than that, as long as the prints are gone. Immediately after, using the burnt pad of your left thumb, trace the question mark on the back of the Guess Who card, only breaking contact at or after reaching the dot at its bottom. Slide this card into the Clue envelope, question mark facing the opening.

Find your ID, and scribble out all the information on it with the found pen. Slide it into the envelope, under the card, with the information facing up as the question mark does.

Select your piece of evidence; this can be anything from a photograph of the scene that you’ve taken yourself, to a newspaper article, or the tape from a VHS recording of a news report. If this evidence implicates you in any way, obscure it with the white-out; if not, leave it unaltered. Fold it to fit and insert it under the card and ID. Now that you’ve got a neat little parcel, close the envelope, address it as ‘to who’—(or whom)—‘it may concern’, put the postage on and send that sucker off.

Any physical or magical evidence of your part in the target event is gone; people who saw you don’t remember that it was you, security footage is too grainy and full of static to be of any help, and divination attempts fail miserably. The only people still aware of the part you played are yourself, and anyone you told personally.

What you hear: Several narromancers are hiding out in South America, hoping to get the how-to of this ritual, having gotten a little hot-headed over an argument and putting their mojo where their mouths are as a result.

Note: Call your own costs, as suited to your game; I hope someone gets a kick out of this. Reposting since the first seems to have been eaten.

2 thoughts on “Whodunnit – The Repost

  1. Victoria Gothic says:

    “To Whom It May Concern:” George lives a quiet life in his suburban neighbor hood. The occasional sound of a car and plane overhead during midday; and then there’s the mail truck. He’s not sure what to do about it; its not really addressed to him, but “to whom it may concern,” but whatever the case, its come creepy stuff. Its not threatening, just strange. Photo ID’s with writing scrawled all over them, pictures of grizzly murders and killings, some reported and some not. But each time, every envelope arrives, while their contents vary, they all contain the Guess Who card of the character George, who looks strangely like him.

  2. Sage of Darkness says:

    VictoriaGothic, I salute and applaud you.


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