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Billy the Skeptic

The wisest of fools

Billy doesn’t know anything. At least that’s what he says. He also says that no one else doesn’t knows anything either. He is one of the rarest types of philosophers, the practicing skeptic.
Upon hearing his first skeptical challenge to knowledge, all knowledge, Billy was instantly convinced. Most people, when they start doubting everything they know, become parallelized; Billy never even hesitated. If there was no knowledge, then he’d never known anything, and that had not stopped him so far. Since then he learned how to channel the Fool, who acts without knowledge, and the martial art of Taijiguan, which focuses on acting without thought. He doesn’t know how to do either of these things, of course, he just does them.
Billy acts with the naivety of the Fool, but he is very observant. He relies completely on instinct, so he reacts without hesitation. This combined with his quick reflex allow him to quickly reverse most surprises. His instincts sometimes get the better of him and cause him to act informed enough to break taboo.
Obsession: Living in the Moment.

Rage: Schemers.
Fear: (Helplessness) Inevitability. Knowing something bad is going to happen, and not being able to DO anything is the antithesis of what Billy stands for.
Noble: Freedom.

Body 55 (Lean and Sinewy)
Taijiquan 55
Gen Athletics 30

Speed 70 (Faster than thought)
Initiative 60
Dodge: 45
Drive: 15
Hand guns: 45

Mind 50 (Knows Nothing, Sees Much)
Notice 50
Conceal 30
Skeptical Logic (Replaces Gen Ed) 20

Soul 65 (True Believer)
Charm 20
Lie 45
Avatar(fool) 60

5 thoughts on “Billy the Skeptic

  1. Sage of Darkness says:

    This is a nice, neat little writeup.

  2. Michael Keenan says:

    What’s his obsession skill?

  3. zack says:

    Real nice ! Thx

  4. Ars Mysteriorum says:

    Heh. This is perhaps the most interesting for me because I hold exactly the same philosophy.

  5. PRIMER says:

    Oops forgot to give him one.
    I’d say initiative, but that wouldn’t have any effect, so probably Notice.
    Also forgot to post his madness charts
    violence 2h/0f
    isolation 0h/0f
    helplessness 1h/1f
    unnatural 1h/1f
    (i almost always give my char a few extra hard notches, if you don’t like this take out the ones in helplessness and unnatural)


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