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Powers born of madness…over madness.

A.k.a. Nutters, Freudians, Spartans.

Let it be said that magick is a contary little bugger. You lock up all the delusional weirdos and the jumped-up criminals that make up the typical adept population and what happens?
Why, the very men and women who are supposed to treat them go round the twist themselves and start their own school of magick!
No-one’s quite sure what to think about the Freudians. Sure, it’s been estabilshed that magickal talent seems to be correlated with how insane one is. So the fact that the school of Dementomancy allows people to charge up by dealing with insanity is contreversal, to say the least. Some dukes need only hear the words “insanity based magick” to start going all Spanish Inquistion. On the other hand, madness is one of many brutal realities inherent to the Occult Underground and so making deals with Dementomancers, who are increasing in numbers by the day, may yet become unavoidable. Whetever the troubled school will rise or fall is yet to be determined.

Symbolic Tension: Making cracks in the greater objective reality of the Cosmos through the influencing of individual subjective viewpoints.

Generate a Minor Charge: Either remove one of your Failed notches or gain another. This includes Failed notches cured or gained through non-mundane means. Alternatively, do the same to another person through your direct actions, such as by being their therapist or inflicting stress checks on them that they fail. Inflicting a Madness check on someone who is too Hardened to need a roll (shooting at someone who’s got 3 Hardened notches in Violence, for example) or someone who is already insane in that meter and thus automatically freaks out without a roll does not get you a charge (or break taboo). Each individual notch lost or gained gives one charge. Multiple gains or losses at once yeild multiple (minor) charges.

Generate a Significant Charge: Same as the minor charge, except the Failed notch must be the fifth one in a single Madness meter, thus causing or curing a permanant insanity. Note that causing multiple Failed notches at once will not get you a Significant charge unless they were all the fifth notch in different meters. So if you give someone with 3 Failed in a meter two more Failed notches in that meter at once, you get 1 minor and 1 significant. If someone had two meters with 4 Failed notches and you inflicted another Failed into both of them at the same time, that’s two significants. Same deal with erasing multiple notches, taking 3 notches away from a single filled meter yeilds 1 significant and 2 minors.

Generate a Major Charge: Go permenantly insane in all five meters. Cause at least one hundred thousand people to go permenantly insane in at least one meter through your direct action.

Taboo: Succeeding at a Madness check or otherwise having the gain of a Failed notch negated (maybe through another adept’s magick or a paradigm skill that you somehow have) breaks taboo (but getting a Hardened notch by itself does not break taboo). If you’re too Hardened for a stress check (i.e. having 3 Hardened notches or more when faced with a Rank-3 check) or if you’re already insane in that meter so that you freak out without a roll, you do not break taboo. You lose all charges if both and your therapist fail your rolls when you get therapy (although you can erase Hardened notches with no trouble). You also break taboo if you fail to cure a Failed notch or the target succeeds at the stress check you inflict when trying to charge up off another person. Inflicting a Madness check on someone who is too Hardened to need a roll (shooting at someone who’s got 3 Hardened notches in Violence, for example) or someone who is already insane in that meter and thus automatically freaks out without a roll does not break taboo (or get you a charge).

Blast Style: The effects of the Dementomancy blast spell changes depending on what madness meter the target’s fear passion is tied to. Dementomancy has no Significant Blast Spell.

Random Magick Domain: Manipulating, dispelling and creating madness, delusions, illusions, beliefs and the logical laws of reality. Dementomancers can make people think certain things, make the invisible visible, suspend gravity and, of course, drive people mad. MAD!

Starting Charges: Dementomancers start off fresh with 4 minor charges and may have any amount of Failed and/or Hardened notches.

Charging Tips: Nutters are unique amongst adepts in that their school’s charging style actively punishes them for trying to charge up and FAILING. Working as a psychiatrist (and being good at it, of course) will get you about a minor charge every one or two hours on a good day with no slip-ups. Significant charges may require working at an asylum and each month of residental therapy yeilds between 3 to 6, assuming the place is fairly packed with people over the edge AND you’re good at your job. Causing stress checks is much riskier but is a much faster and simpler way of charging (firing a gun wildly in a crowded place, for instance). Keep in mind, though, that you’ll probably be getting those charges in the middle of a more demanding situation (like combat)…

Minor Formula Spells:

That’s Crazy Talk
Cost: 2 Minor charges.
Effects: The target of this spell is immediately perceived by all around him as unreliable somehow. Any Charm and Lie rolls or the like are penaltised by -20%. Even if the target manages to put forward a convincing arguement or ruse, the target/s will still have nagging doubts and will probably double-check the facts as soon as possible. This effect lasts a number of minutes equal to the casting roll.

Stop the Madness
Cost: 1 Minor charge.
Effects: Anyone suffering a fight, flight or freeze trauma reaction from an failed Madness check can immediately be calmed down so they may take normal action with this spell. This does not stop the target from getting a Failed notch. Note that new Madness checks can still be triggered after the target calms down thanks to this spell.

Trading Lost Marbles
Cost: 2 Minor charges per notch.
Effects: You may move one Failed notch of the target or yourself to another person you can see or yourself. Each notch you move costs you 2 Minor charges. You can not move Hardened notches with this spell.

Mind Crush
Cost: 2 Minor charges.
Effects: This is the Dementomancy Blast spell. The blast deals damage equal to only the higher die in the roll, rather than the sum of the two dice. However, it also inflicts an additional effect upon the target depending on what madness meter the target’s fear passion is tied to, as below.

Helplessness: The target feels suddenly constricted to the point of being crushed and rope burn marks appear, loses his/her next action and can’t move much at all for one round. In addition to the Unnatural rank-5 check, the target suffers a Helplessness rank-4 check.
Violence: If the target has at least one Failed notch in Violence, the damage from the roll is multiplied by the number of notches. Blood pours from every orifice in the target’s body when he/she is attacked with this spell.
Isolation: The target disappears out of existence for one round and pops back into existence cold and shivering, with frost collecting on his/her extremities. The target is aware that he/she just disappeared but has no idea where he/she went. In addition to the Unnatural rank-5 check, the target suffers an Isolation rank-4 check.
Unnatural: If the target is an adept whose school has a blast spell, the Dementomancy blast mimics the target’s own blast spell. Otherwise, the blast spell damages the target by random sudden injuries of any kind.
Self: For the next rounds equal in number to the sum of the casting roll, the target cannot use his/her passions or flip-flop his/her obsession skill. The damage manifests as resembling an injury that the target either suffered recently or attached special menaing to (i.e. a car accident that left him/her paralysed).

Cost: Variable Minor charges.
Effects: The target’s next Madness check suffers a penalty equal to five times the charges spent on the spell. (i.e. 3 charges spent means a -15% shift.)

Significant Formula Spells:

Mass Hysteria
Cost: 2 Significant charges.
Effects: Causes a crowd of at least 100 people that within a number of feet equal to the adept’s Soul stat to start a riot. Double the result of the casting roll and use it as the riot roll, with the normal modifiers added and subtracted.

It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
Cost: 4 Significant charges.
Effects: The target may cause one Significant unnatural phenomena or ten Minor unnatural phenomena of his/her choosing to manifest nearby.

Cost: 2 Significant charges.
Effects: The target of the spell thinks he/she witnessed or experienced something that she/he didn’t, such as the death of a loved one, getting assaulted by a monster and finding proof that Elvis is alive. You choose exactly what delusions are implanted, which must be explained simply in a single sentence, so big elaborate stories are out of the question, although the target may create such stories to justify thinking what you made him think. This can have effects similar to the Cliomancy spell I Believe The Lies, causing stress checks if the delusion. The spell lasts a number of minutes equal to the casting roll. This spell cannot erase memories or affect memories that were already there.

Major Dementomancy Effects: Gain the ability to always treat all Madness checks you or someone else face as one to three ranks lower. Make someone else go permanantly insane in all five meters. Rob an adept of all his magickal power for a week. Create an Otherspace of your own design.

11 thoughts on “Dementomancy

  1. Michael Keenan says:

    Yeah, I know that’s it is a little short on Significant formula spells. Feel free to suggest any you can come with. Alternatively, you can say that the limited number of common Significant formula spells are due to the school’s relative youth.

  2. Mattias says:

    ok, time for some heavy-handed criticism.

    symbolic tension: what you write there is true for all schools. What is the symbolic tension of this one? What is the contrariness? “The universe is big but people are small”
    doesn’t hack it, since the majority of the spells affect individuals…

    charging… I have a problem with a school that lets you charge up by going into any place with people and firing a gun in the roof three times. (robbing a bank will let you charge AND give you money…) Think about what you want this school to be about. You could set it up so minor charges is stuff you do to others, while sigs are stuff you do to yourself I suppose…

    I have read the Taboo three times now. still don’t get it. way to complex.

    spells… 2 sigs for a “cause riot” spell? It is either ridiculously underpriced, insanely dangerous, or both.

  3. Michael Keenan says:

    The reason for the relatively cheap cost of Mass Hysteria was that I envisioned certain breeds of Dementomancers who, of course, use the spell to BE insanely dangerous because they see madness as a power to lord over others and revel in.

    The general gist of the taboo is that, basically, you break the taboo by not showing your mastery of madness, because your attempts to greaten or lessen it failed.

    Note that Dementomancers couldn’t charge up from a bank robbery (assuming that they’d even be able to charge up successfully regardless) because any madness you inflict would have the proper ritualistic context. The point of bank robbery is to steal money, not show your power over insanity. It’s the same as a flesh mage not getting a charge for hurting himself accidentally.

  4. Mattias says:

    They can’t charge from a bank robbery, but they can charge from a therapy session, because a therapy session is proper? You need to work on this “proper ritualistic context”, me thinks…

    The “incite riot”… It’s not all that hard to actually incite a riot according to the rules, even without magick. so anyone who wants to be dangerous riot-monger can, with a bit of planning, go find a crowd and let rip. the probolem is usially that this tends to turn the riot against you, so maybe make this spell a riot-control spell instead, making able to in some way influence the riot? Check the rules for riots and see what you can think of.

    And I’m still not pleased with the central paradox, the symbolic tension…

  5. Michael Keenan says:

    In a sense, I think a therapy session is a better ritualistic context than a bank robbery if we’re talkling about manipulating mental illness.

    And I’m not sure about the whole “it’s easy to incite a riot, even without magick” point you raised. To get a decent modifier on the roll, you need to be a pretty advantageous situation. And how would a riot control spell work, mechanically?

    What if the symbolic tension was linked to the idea that Dementomancy allows you control and power through madness, which is normally considered chaotic and limiting?

  6. Mattias says:

    control through madness, sure, that could work. It’s at the heart of every school, and every adept is insane in some degree….. (thinking) Ah, Now I know my main problem with this school. it’s possible to be an adept without ever sacrificing anything. If you’re a psychoterrorist, sorry therapist, healing people from failed charges and madness is your job. If you do your job and stay out of situations where you risk getting a madness check, you can collect charges and cast spells for pretty much ever.

    This is of course easily fixed by cutting away the part of the charging system that applies to other people. But then the school would be to weak and most adepts would be insane before they even began.

    Riot… I really should wait with answering this, but detonating even a small bomb in a large-enough crowd sounds like it should do the trick. Every other large hindu and muslim pilgrimages turns into a stampede by rumours that there’s a suicide bomber among them.
    Riot control. Moving in a riot is difficult and dangerous. Even being in a riot is dangerous (you basically have to roll every x minutes to see how much damage you take). Riot control could affect these rolls.

  7. Zompire says:

    However one thing I think your all missing is that the Bank Robbery, can only been done once to gain a charge….unless the guy wants to go in and umph up the Violence used in the Robbery the next time…infact every time he wants to gain another charge on any meter he has to keep doing worse and worse things to himself if he passes Hardend Notches

  8. Michael Keenan says:

    Also note that you break taboo if you fail the Pyschoanalysis roll or succeed at that madness check.

  9. Mattias says:

    The way this thing is written you gain charges by getting or getting rid of failed charges, or doing the same to others. So making people get failed charges works as written.

    On the other hand, if I read the taboo corerectly, if just one person in the crowd you’re trying to charge up from succeds their madness check, you taboo and lose all charges. Is this correct?

  10. Zompire says:

    I think might work well as an NPC only School of Magic, something you introduce as a Threat…Maybe there a Cabal of them in your town, and since they get paid for the effort of makeing people go mad they well at ease to pick up students to drive mad and teach the school too, self perpetuating….basicly making a Disease in the form of a new Adept School

  11. Michael Keenan says:

    What You Hear

    Crooked Dementomancer and defense attorney Phillip R. Cassicus uses his magickal talents in court to secure accepted insanity pleas, ruin damning evidence and discredit inconvient witnesses.

    He has a good side, though; he often defends innocent adepts pro bono.


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