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More Rumours from the UK

Yeah well, I have hidden myself away since all that crap went down in the west country involving the TNI and the Comte de Saint Germain, but now I am back and feel it is safe enough to share a little of the weird stuff I have been hearing lately…

County borders get changed from time to time in England, usually when governments want to change voting districts in order to increase their chances of keeping power at the next General Election, but sometimes they happen without any real discernible reason. England is criss-crossed with Ley Lines, and sometimes they shift without warning, and the powers that be have to change county borders appropriately. All magick has to flow uninhibited across the UK to London and to the Tower of London. It is not the clipping of wings that keep the Ravens in the Tower, it is magickal energy.

Mak Attack in Oxford Street, London are getting worried by the lack of Special Orders that they are able to deliver. Something is blocking their rituals from working, and they are uneasy. Meanwhile there is a tramp that lives close to the large Restaurant on Oxford Street, near to the rear yard where the large industrial wheelie bins are kept. He keeps the yard free of pigeons and Mak Attack know enough to leave him be. It is always handy to let a Dipsomancer take care of things out back, and since Hacking Jones left Bournemouth and installed himself in their back yard the pigeon problem has almost gone away.

Why has Hacking Jones left Bournemouth? The Comte de Saint Germain isn’t after him and nor is he asking for favours. Hacking Jones just upped and left Bournemouth without a by-your-leave and no one has a clue why he has chosen to install himself with Mak Attack on Oxford Street.

Zara the Cliomancer has shown up in London as well. Rumour has it that she has shacked up with a Plutophage and together they are doing some major mojo together. Since the crash the Plutomancers have been in famine but the Plutophages have been doing rather well, thank you very much. Anyway, Zara the Cliomancer has shacked up with some minor Plutophage duke and together they are making beautiful magick together. Some say they are also doing the nasty as well, but I don’t even wanna go there…

Since the Gander on the Green has been taken over and totally ruined refurbished the Inn at the End of the Worlds has disappeared from that site and is now rumoured to be in a pub on the end of Chatham High Street. I am gonna make damn sure I am there for the lock in on October 31st…

There have been sightings of Centaurs in Bredhurst woods in Medway, Kent. No one knows what the hell is up with that shit, but rumour has it that both the Sleepers and TNI are getting twitchy…

The woman formerly known as the Virgin Mary is still plying her trade on the New Road, Chatham, although the years since she fell from the Celestial Clergy have not been kind to her. Meanwhile Princess Diana is still up there in the Celestial Clergy as the Avatar of the Saintly Woman. Others have tried to knock her off the top slot but so far all have failed. Some suspect that the Daily Express is a front for her allies as they seem to be keeping her in the public consciousness, thus re-enforcing her position as the Queen of Hearts.


I am putting together a new Unknown Armies – Post Modern Britain pdf for my web site, which is gonna be called Unknown Armies – Post Modern Britain II (surprise, surprise), so I am testing my new stuff with you guys first. You’ve always come up with useful advice and stuff when I’ve posted stuff before (but it is annoying that all of it got destroyed from this site during the recent virus scare and the move – maybe the sleepers are watching me?). Anyway, any advice on this stuff will be greatfully received. If I use ideas that are given to me they will get credited at the end of the new pdf.

5 thoughts on “More Rumours from the UK

  1. Blupe says:

    Leave the centaurs be. They are just some folks with a horse transformation fetish and some mojo. They are not bothering anyone, and you don’t want to get people who are in to– really, really in to– transforming themselves and others mad at you. (I’ve heard getting a tail removed is painful, and that takes only a few minor charges, or so I have heard.)

  2. Zompire says:

    I heard the reason why the Maks are finding it hard to drop there charges in Oxford street is that a joint Venture between the Order of St. Cecil and The Order of Zen Enlightend Zombies.

    What I heard is that the Mythical Village of Brigadoon is actuly the Clergy manifesting once every 100 years in Scotland. Apparently walking into the town and taking up residency is the easyest way to Ascend.

  3. Sir Cabhán says:

    @ Blupe – Hmm, transformation rituals. Sounds interesting. BTW if you read in my UA-Post Modern Britain PDF – My name is a link to the site – you will see how the first of the Centaurs got here…

    @ Zompire – your charges idea has merit. Care to expound?

  4. Zompire says:

    I will Perhaps when I write up who the hell the Order or Zen Enlightend Zombies are 😉

  5. James Wyatt says:

    Something that I’d find really useful for running games set in the UK would be guidelines on more mundane bits and pieces: gun laws (which are impressively strict), emergency services response time, ubiquity of CCTV, things like that. It’d make a really nice appendix for the pdf you’re writing.


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