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The Imaginarium

For the imaginative PC

The Imaginarium

Upon completion of the entry ritual you find yourself in a brilliantlly lit field of white with no visible horizon. Some kind soul has left an inscription in permanent marker underfoot (or not, your call) that reads “welcome to the imaginarium, mime like there’s no tomorrow”

Should your players figure out what this means(better hope so since it’s the only way out) then all they need do is mime something(make a soul check) and the associated object will appear from thin air(BONUS points if they mime being trapped inside a glass box)Writing is allowed e.g mime a box then write spoons on it and mime removing a spoon from the box and you’ll probably get a spoon

A bit too awesome you say(you’re probably right)…but there are some restrictions:
1. it is impossible to create anything solely for it’s chemical properties.This means no drugs, explosives or (because PCs will try it) uranium.Precious metals are fine but you’ll have to mime the jewelry because or this rule and good luck miming jewelry that’s specifically gold

2. complex machines are fiendishly difficult(ever try miming a car that didn’t look more like a steering wheel?)

3.Nothing living or dead may be created. i.e no bodies although wood seems fine

Dukes that frequent other-spaces get the feeling that the objects created and not from any other-space.Dukes in the know(both of them) think that the matter is drawn from the real world somehow

The only(known) way out of the imaginarium is through a door of ones own creation.If writing or concentration are used to attempt a more accurate return to the real world than “a random door”, then anything more complicated than a few words tends to only half work leading (for example)to fervent explanations to sleepers as to why exactly you’re in their house

To enter the imaginarium carve your name into a tarnished silver key then pretend to use it to open a whitewashed door with no handle i.e an actual white washed door with no handle not a pretend whitewashed door with… you get the idea

8 thoughts on “The Imaginarium

  1. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    And the danger of the place is…. X Y Z?

    I mean, besides all the accidental shootings when you go “bang bang” with your finger. Or the embarrassment when you do the jerk-off motion.

    Hmmh. What would happen if you mimed being svelte? Or fat? Or that you were a BAT? Good times

  2. Requiem_Jeer says:

    This place is a bit too awesome, but nevertheless it could lead to some interesting adventures, if only for the fact that it’d be likely that the PLAYERS would be the ones doing most of the miming.

  3. TedPro says:

    This would be a great place for villains to have their hideout, because the boss fight would be comedy gold.

  4. Requiem_Jeer says:

    Here’s the thing, does everyone get to the same place? i.e. if someone enters through a door, and another person enters through a different door, do they meet?

  5. Requiem_Jeer says:

    Also, I’m totally going to throw this at my PCs eventually. Not in this campaign (they’re a TNI squad of three adepts and a Penguin in a new Miami safehouse to undermine TOSG, Abel figures a great way to use adepts are against the one group who knows less about magick then he does.), but when the party knows a little more about the Occult underground. Unless the player who GMs another campaign is going to use it. That’d be better though.

    On another note, what if the PC actually had a Miming skill? What about (more likely) an Acting skill?

  6. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    A penguin?

  7. Requiem_Jeer says:

    It’s a magician who pretends to have magic but it’s all sleight of hand. the description is in the PC ideas for global-level campaigns. He’s the C-level party member.

  8. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    Right, I totally forgot that was the slang term for them.

    Fun characters to play.


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