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Avatar: The Musician

“Music expresses something that cannot be put into words and cannot remain silent” – Victor Hugo

The Musician is dedicated to musical expression. Much like the Demagogue, this archetype is about influencing people. While the Demagogue is about influencing thoughts and leading people, however, the Musician is about influencing feelings and taking a more supportive role. It is important to note that the abilities of the avatar only work on those who are physically present when a channel is used. Recordings and video feeds may deliver the mundane qualities of a performance, but to be influenced by a channel, you really have to be there. Also, all effects require the performance to match the desired effect; “We Will Rock You” will not help stop a fight, but could be used to encourage combatants on your side if you have the third channel.

Taboos: The Musician must be true to their own feelings. They may accept money for performances, but they can’t “sell out” by letting somebody else determine what they can and can’t perform. This also means that the avatar can’t use a channel to perform something totally against what they are feeling. Usually, a person’s emotions are mixed, so your options are open – but a deeply depressed Musician isn’t going to be able to cheer people up. Also see the limitations on the second channel.

Symbols: Musical instruments of all kinds. More recently, microphones and speakers as well.

Masks: The Sirens (Greek mythology)

Suspected Avatars in History: Many famous musicians, from Jimi Hendrix to Taylor Swift, could be examples of avatars – it’s hard to tell. Elvis would be a candidate except for all that “King” symbology…

1%-50%: At this level, the power of music starts to reach people’s hearts. If the avatar is trying to influence a person or group, the avatar makes a single roll to see how successful he or she is. The GM may require different degrees of success for different individuals to be affected, however. (“That roll was good enough to convince everybody except those two in the back who really don’t like you – you have an effective -30% shift to influence them.”) Those who are influenced can be convinced of some simple concept – this should be based on feelings, not anything too intellectual (thoughts are the province of the demagogue). This can act like a Charm or Persuade check to convince everybody of something like “everybody should stop fighting”, or the listeners can be made more receptive to the influence of someone else, giving that person or group of people +10% on checks made to influence the listeners. (“You should all listen to this guy…”) If listeners who are affected act contrary to the Musician’s influence, it prompts a Rank-3 Self check. It’s worth noting that this all applies to everyone listening; that doesn’t include the Musician, but it does include the Musician’s friends.

51%-70%: Music can be a balm to the soul. At this level, the Musician can use the avatar skill to remove marks on the madness meter, as if it were a skill like Psychoanalysis. The normal rules for psychological first aid and normal sessions apply, except “sessions” only last as long as it takes to perform an appropriate song. The limitation on this is that a Musician can only reduce someone’s notches if they themselves have fewer notches on that scale. An avatar who has 3 hardened notches on the Violence scale can’t reduce the hardened notches on someone else’s Violence meter unless they have 4 or more; the avatar has become too jaded to truly believe in a less hardened outlook.

71%-90%: Music can inspire. At this level, the Musician can provide moral support and inspiration to others through music. This can be represented as a +10% shift to all attempts made to achieve a particular goal chosen by the Musician. If the goal is “pick that lock”, everyone gains +10% to Lockpicking (even if only one person actually tries it). If the goal is “kill those bastards who just attacked us” all your allies gain +10% to Struggle, Firearms, or even magick skills if the adept is using a blast or other offensive spell. Even though they can hear you, your opponents don’t gain the bonus unless they are following that goal, i.e. trying to kill each other rather than you. It’s important to note that this requires you to be singing or playing an instrument, which means you can’t take any other actions. (It also means that if you try to use your musical ability to boost Move Silently, you deserve what you get. Everyone’s footfalls will be nice and silent as your music rings loud and clear. Singing songs about how you’re going to lie to somebody is even less recommended.)

91+%: Music can entrance. At this point the Musician can entrance anyone within earshot. Listeners can resist the avatar’s influence if they manage to roll higher than the avatar’s roll but under the listener’s Mind score. A critical success on the part of the listener automatically succeeds, and is the only way to resist if the avatar rolls a critical success. Anyone affected will stay in a trance-like state as long as they can hear the musician, unless they take damage or have to make a stress check. The Musician can walk and perform simple actions, but must maintain concentration on the performance. (If using an instrument, the Musician may have to deal with having his/her hands full.) The round after the avatar stops performing, everyone wakes up (so the Musician has one round to act while everyone is helpless – a good time to get away or pointblank somebody, depending on your inclination). Those who are entranced suffer -30% shift on the round after they wake up, as they try to reorient themselves. They will not remember anything that occurred while entranced. (This may provoke stress checks, especially if things have notably changed since they last remember.) This does affect everyone who listens, so allies might want to get noise-blocking headphones or other protective gear. Just watch out if your enemies start using the same gear.

4 thoughts on “Avatar: The Musician

  1. Owldragon says:

    I welcome any comments, especially on the last channel – I’m not 100% happy with how it worked out. Any input is good, though. 🙂

  2. kingvitamin says:

    this reminds me of the d&d 3/3.5 bard class (though the move silently comment makes me pretty sure you’re aware of this)

  3. kingvitamin says:

    not wild about the taboo; i can’t be a musician in an orchestra, for example? (letting someone else determine what i can perform)

  4. Owldragon says:

    Any suggestions for another taboo are welcome – I admit that the idea of an orchestra musician hadn’t occurred to me. On the other hand, acting “temperamental” and insisting the group do things their way fits well with the stereotypes of rockstars and music divas – perhaps the archetype really only covers a certain type of musician.

    I also admit to having visions of Order of the Stick when writing the third channel…“Bluff, Bluff, Bluff, Bluff the Stupid Ogre”


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