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The Next UA Book . . .

. . . is Break. Today. by Greg Stolze with Chad Underkoffler. It’s the Mak Attax sourcebook, with new characters, artifacts, magic schools, plot seeds, and more. We’re working on it now for a spring 2003 release, and it’s sweet!

11 thoughts on “The Next UA Book . . .

  1. Andrew Ellis Troubio says:

    Does this mean we’re gonna get a book on everyone of the orgs? I liked Hush Hush…but thought the sleepers stuff was the weakest part. The info on mystic S%!T was neater.

    Personally I’d like to see a combo splat

  2. Andrew Ellis Troubio says:

    As I was saying….

    Does this mean we’re gonna get a book on everyone of the orgs? I liked Hush Hush…but thought the sleepers stuff was the weakest part. The info on mystic S%!T was neater.

    Personally I’d like to see a combo splat/adventure book. Here’s 40 pages of the Order of Cecil..and an adventure bout em.

    Or altenately a geography sourcebook that talks about the scene all across the world…

    Or maybe a pony.

  3. John Tynes says:

    We don’t have another cabal book in the works right now, but sooner or later we’ll do another one.
    We would like to do a cabals-across-America kind of sourcebook, so that may turn up down the road.

  4. Dug says:

    I loved the Sleepers background in Hush, Hush, but I gotta admit, I’m fiending for an Order of St. Cecil sourcebook. I’ve got a street level game going with two nuns and a priest and would love to work the Order in slowly.

  5. Andrew Ellis Troubio says:

    So..what sourcebooks DO you have planned?;)

  6. John Tynes says:

    Beyond the Mak Attax sourcebook and a large campaign, we’re not talking. 🙂

  7. erika michel says:

    i wanna c ur pic mr john tynes.. ive never played urgame but i´´ve seen ur pics inur website i think so of then r pretty cool

  8. Trent Redfield says:

    Personally I really like the idea of cabal books. Lawyers, Guns, and Money is a great book that I use all the time. And I have my players running scared anytime I pull Hush, Hush out of my bag! Keep them coming. This Mak Attak book looks great!

  9. Trent Redfield says:

    This was on the Atlas Games Dispatch:

    Tuesday, March 25, 2003

    Break Today, the Mak Attax sourcebook for Unknown Armies, is off to the printer today!
    posted by John Nephew at 1:03 PM

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