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All posts by Menzoa - 2. page

Error Proof Tests

For when you’re wondering how worried you should be… ————————— Cost: 2 minor charges Effect: The test-strip displays a hunch about the next action of whoever activated it. The results […]

Menzoa |

The Abortion Railroad

Liberal women-smugglers and well-intentioned thugs… ——- The so-called “Abortion Railroad” is a smuggling operation. Specifically, they transport pregnant girls and women from States with restrictive abortion laws to places where […]

Menzoa |


If you’re a small-time player and think getting your face un-melted is worth letting some dead guy take over for as long as it can, this might just be good […]

Menzoa |

Sandra’s Back-Alley Abortion Kit

Making back-alley abortions 100% safe. ——— Power: Minor (single use) Effect: Allows a minimally-trained abortionist to perform the procedure with little pain and no complications. All the fetal tissue is […]

Menzoa |

Waking Up the House

Agents running wild are activating dormant Rooms of Renunciation… —— So, you know about those circles of Hell called the Rooms of Renunciation, right? Well, there’s some crazy devil-bitch working […]

Menzoa |

Room of Bad Influences (v2.1)

Do you know what you’re doing? ———- Premise: From the view of the Invisible Clergy, the vast majority of individuals are not aligned with any one Archetype above the others. […]

Menzoa |

Behind the Hutton Inquiry

The Messenger, Dermott Arcane, and the BBC ——————- Someone got busted pulling an Arkane-esque manipulative-media move at the BBC. A minor comment made a big splash, however, as BBC’s image […]

Menzoa |

Late… again

Mother Theresa at work —————— She’s late… again. She knows what’s coming; after the eighth time, her instincts are more accurate than an “Error Proof Test.” Her doctor can’t tell […]

Menzoa |

Mr. Blix’s Real Agenda

Magonia may not have been able to contribute troops to the “Coalition of the Willing,” but they say their diplomatic front was quite active in the lead-up to the war. […]

Menzoa |

Dead Receiver

Unnatural Geiger Counter ———— Power: Significant Effect: This radio is similar to the Crying Doll, but a bit less versatile and much less likely to draw strange looks. It produces […]

Menzoa |