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All posts by PeterAmthor

Its like highlander all over again.

Somebody is out there charging up swords that make people kill each other. Some crazy bastard out there is charging up a bunch of swords and selling them out randomly. […]

PeterAmthor |

Dr. Seuss

The old childrens book writer was a ritual writer. The books written my Dr Seuss are all actually cleverly disguised rituals. Only those who study these texts in great detail […]

PeterAmthor |

Cameras that really steal your soul

The old tales of cameras stealing your souls is correct. At least with the right cameras…. The old tales of natives thinking that thier souls were stolen buy having thier […]

PeterAmthor |

Mak Attack branching out?

Is the Mak Attack group branching over into other forms of retail bussiness to help push thier goals? From a report there has been news of interesting developments on the […]

PeterAmthor |