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All posts by privateI


Do memes change reality? Perhaps. Maybe even worse, they change unreality. Then, they channel that unreality and bring it across. I mean, what the kek? The Memomancer channels unreality via […]

privateI |

What If The Next Clergy Could Be Rigged?

Just what DID that missing code help Goldman Sachs trade? Recently Bloomberg News Reported the following…. Sergey Aleynikov, an ex-Goldman Sachs computer programmer, was arrested July 3 after arriving at […]

privateI |


“I hope they are out to get me. I hate being wrong and generally never am.” A.K.A. Wing-nuts, Moon-Bats, Tin Foil Hats, Revengers Most people who listen to someone like […]

privateI |

The Antietam Folder

I’ll Take a Publicity Shit-Storm To Go Please…. “I hate Mickey-D’s.” Specialist Cromwell complained. “It no longer even rates with the chow hall.” “So you signed up ‘cuz you were […]

privateI |

The Kind Herb

Think of it as preventive medicinal marijuana This ritual supposedly invokes the spirit of Kali to protect all generous people from their enemies. What it really does is enchant a […]

privateI |

The Kind Herb

Think of it as preventive medicinal marijuana This ritual supposedly invokes the spirit of Kali to protect all generous people from their enemies. What it really does is enchant a […]

privateI |

The Black-Lacquered Pill Case

Pills that can become addictive! This devise has started more than one or two brushfire occult wars. It allows people to take charge pills – for a price. It consists […]

privateI |