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Tokens of the city’s favor.

Power: Minor or Significant

Effect: The holder of a metrocharm gains the benefits of the urbanomancy spell Day Pass. Metrocharms only work within a single city. There are two types of metrocharms: constructed and natural. Constructed versions can single-use (usually tokens) or limited-use (usually cards). Natural metrocharms are eternal use artifacts, dispensed randomly at token booths.

Description: The appearance of a metrocharm depends on the city in which it functions. They look just like the normal token or card used in that city’s public transportation system. Spontaneous manifestations of the City are much sought after by urbanomancers, almost on principle. Natural metrocharms are famous for getting “misplaced” and disappearing, but there’s always another being randomly dispensed at the booths. Many believe that a city manifests only a few natural metrocharm at a time — a token of the city’s favor.

Note: A GM may allow a rat character to gain a minor charge by taking a full-fare, mundane trip on the city’s public transportation while holding a natural metrocharm, getting a refund on the cosmic power it produces.

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