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The Loser

Not all archetypes are sexy…

Everybody knows about the cool Archetypes. The True King and the Messenger and all the funky aspects of the collective unconcious. They forget that it isn’t only people that you want to be who get into the Clergy. The Victim is probably up there somewhere, and so is the Loser. Rarely thought about, rarely followed last in the cosmic race. Through bad luck or bad judgement, the Loser just didn’t make the grade. Unlucky at cards,unlucky in love. Life deals some people a bum hand, and the Statosphere keeps it that way

The Loser never succeeds long term. One step forward must always be followed by two steps back.

An empty wallet. A hangdog look. A bad hand of cards.

Suspected Avatars in History:
Few true Losers make it into the history books.

1%-50%: Everybody loves a good hard luck story. The Loser may flip flop any roll against Charm, Lie or a similar skill when trying to evoke pity.

51%-70%: The Loser is always down but never out. When a Loser looks to be in serious risk of losing everything he can make an Avatar: the Loser check. if succesful he will keep hold of his life, about $200 and the shirt he stands up in.

71%-90%: A Loser with access to the third channel (a three-time loser, if you will) becomes irresistably and weirdly fascinating to the opposite sex (or the same sex, depending on inclination). They may use their Avatar: the Loser skill in place of any social skill whcih would usually be appropriate.

91%+: Remember those short term gains I was talking about? A canny and powerful Loser can tap his connection to the Archetype to bring them about. With a successful Avatar: the Loser roll, a Loser can get an immediate short term stroke of luck, this can be anything, and the Loser can dictate a general area for this luck to manifest its self in. However like fairy gold this good fortune will not last. Inside a year the Loser will have lost whatever this channel gave them threefold.

3 thoughts on “The Loser

  1. nyarlathotep says:

    This is really cool stuff, URNOVI.

    I hope people feel compelled by this to work on some more of those ‘negative’ archetypes.


  2. Oneiros says:

    The idea is very good, yet I’d change the channels (apart maybe from the first one). The way I see it, they tend to go against the archetype. I’d suggest something about making others lose, rather than avoiding a loss.

  3. TedPro says:

    Here is a similar take on this archetype that some friends and I used in an Unknown Armies LARP. Worked out really well for us.


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