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Bits and Pieces

Miscellaneous weirdness from a bar near you…

The recent news counter-culture has created a new challenger for the Messenger spot in the Clergy: the Info-Guerrilla, dedicated to exposing the truth that the mainstream has suppressed or ignored, and Arkane is shitting bricks over it, as it’s in direct competition with his ideal for the archetype.

The lyrics of the first two verses for the song Slow Motion by Third Eye Blind are actually instructions for a major ritual, and that’s why the version that was released is just the instruments. The only problem is figuring out what it means, and nobody’s willing to even hazard a guess at what the third verse means.

There’s a store in Montana that sells rubber stamps magickally personalized for you. Whatever you stamp with them you instantly know is yours, no matter who possesses it.

The CEO of a certain national burger chain is the True King of Fast-Food Workers, and he stole the position from the founder of a certain fried chicken franchise. And no, it’s not who you think it is.

If you give a certain teenager a new fountain pen, a bottle containing someone’s soul, a sample of their blood and a sample of your blood, along with a CD-RW that has been washed in holy water, he’ll record the trapped soul’s memories onto the CD for you.

There is a man in Southern California who, when he listens to music, everything around him falls into sync with the beat of the music. And by everything, I mean everything.

In every standardized test, the answers form certain regular patterns. If those patterns are extracted and arranged correctly, the face of God is produced.

The TV show Jackass is simply an enterprising Entrepomancer’s attempt at making money off of gaining charges. There’s a few who say it’s an Epideromancer, however.

There’s no need to worry about the upcoming war in Iraq, some say, not with a high-level avatar of the Fool in charge. Some dukes are watching every speech he makes, waiting for him to ascend on national TV, and there’s word of a few cults floating around as well. The Sleepers are scared shitless about even the remote possibility of this happening, and are making every effort to knock him down, one way or another.

The Winchester Mystery House eats charges. Not through some sort of Sleeper interference or otherwise, it just sucks adepts dry. Where these charges go is anyone’s guess, but there are probably a few rooms that are sealed off in the house…

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