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Pack of Lies

Smoke gets in your eyes, and mind, and soul…..

Note to the reader: This idea functions just as well as a Rumour if you so desire, but I figured a ritual option would make it more fun for direct interaction with the PCs.

So here’s the deal.
Sometime not too long ago, some chain-smoking Dipsomancer decided that it was time to give a little back to the community, and here’s what he came up with. No-one knows what actually happened to him, but there’s theorys, none of them nice and a few involving a terrifying, smoke-shrouded version of the Tenebrae.

First off, be a non-smoker. That’s right, this little ritual does not work for anyone who already has the nicotine monkey perched on their back. And kicking the habit for a few days doesn’t count. You need to have been clean and smoke-free for a number of days determined by the GM (how about 333?).
Now, go get your non-smoking ass a pack of nice, high-tar cancer sticks. Virginia Slims don’t cut it. I wanna see Marlboro Reds or something equally horrible.
Now, deface the cigarette packet. Write all over it.
Write things about cigarettes. NICE things. Things like ‘cigarettes make you look sexy’, ‘cigarettes help me breathe easy’ etc etc. As you write them, recite them to yourself over and over and over.
Now pop open that Pack of Lies. rip off the silver paper inside, grab a smoke and light up. You now have 24 hours to smoke every single goddamn cigarette in the pack. You cannot ease the rasp on your throat with a menthol cough drop, you may not check your shortness of breath or headaches with some deep breathing or asprin. you must make like you do this every day of your life. Because you’re smoking from the Pack of Lies.
And as you light that last smoke, wheezing and feeling like hammered shit, your lungs battered by this onslaught of chemicals, tar, and burnt foul air, choose your company well.
Because, for the length of time it takes you to smoke that last cigarette, you can tell your audience anything you want, and they will believe it as god’s honest truth for the next seven days.
You have ingested the Pack of Lies, and now you’re blowing the smoke into their faces.

Thank you for reading Pack of Lies. Any comments would be greatly appreciated!


3 thoughts on “Pack of Lies

  1. Doug says:

    Nice ritual, very nice write up
    – the only change I’d suggest is to remove the reference to the GM and just say 333 days.

  2. mrlost says:

    Very, freaking cool. Whats the cost supposed to be for non-thamaturgists to perform. 4 minor charges?

  3. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    Really taps into all the old tabacco ads, Joe Camel, social pressures, and the residue of a thousand old movies. Potent.

    An Ace ritural.


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