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Its like highlander all over again.

Somebody is out there charging up swords that make people kill each other.

Some crazy bastard out there is charging up a bunch of swords and selling them out randomly. Whenever somebody in possession of one of these things meets another person with one they get the overwhelming feeling of anger and rage that drives them to attack the other.

Its starting to look like highlander all over again out there. People walking up pulling out their blades and going at it until only one of them walks away with a pulse. A lot of times it actually ends up with a decapitation, guess people do watch to many movies.

Whoever this is, or they are, isn’t just doing this to one kind of swords. Its popping up in Pakistani rip offs, quality spanish blades and even katanas.

4 thoughts on “Its like highlander all over again.

  1. C.P. says:

    Heh heh heh…

    One of my players will love this.

  2. Rus says:

    So I have to wonder, does the sword give part / all of the vanquished’s soul to the victor ( with resultant ball lightning effects )?

  3. PeterAmthor says:

    Well this is a rumor I tossed into my game for a desired effect. A lot of my players were all buying swords and sword skill for some reason. Kinda agrivated me a bit so I tossed out this rumor and watched as their characters all started leaving their blades at home.

    Don’t know about giving the victor the soul or not. As for lighting effects… well if the loser was an adept with a few charges in them they may cook off.

  4. Rus says:

    IIRC, the original Highlander movie featured a guy with an Uzi crusing the streets, looking to “fight crime” or some such. He came upon a sword fight, sprayed bullets at the combatants and was promptly evicerated.

    In game, it could be a submachine gun toting duke, looking to recreate the events from the film to carry out some ritual (say… absorb the life force of the combatants by blowing their heads off (since that was the only way to kill one of the swordsmen from Highlander)).


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