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The Queen of Heaven

The truth behind the death of Princess Diana

There are a lot of conspiracy theories about the death of Princess Diana. The CIA had her killed, because she protested the use of landmines, or was it because Dodi Al-Fayyed had connections of Osama Bin Laden? Or, British secret agents did her in, because she was pregnant with Al-Fayyed’s child, making a Muslim heir to the British throne. Surely, since she died, you’ve heard most of them.

They’re all bunk.

She committed suicide.

It wasn’t the standard run of the mill, wanting to end it all kind of suicide. It was a ritual suicide.

Follow me here. The place where she died, Pont de l’Alma, was once believed to be sacred to the goddess Diana. In other times, kings were ritually sacrificed there, it was believed their soul would ascend to heaven, where they would become a god. In fact, Pont de l’Alma can be translated to mean “Bridge of Heaven.”

Princess Diana had herself ritually sacrificed to become a god.

Yeah, it sounds crazy, until you hear about Diana appearing in visions across the world. Miracles, which seemed to once be the exclusive province of saints, angels, and the Virgin Mary, are now being attributed to her. In fact, Diana now appears in as many religious visions as the Virgin Mary. Bookstores now carry messages from Diana from afterlife in their “New Age” sections.

This isn’t the first time someone has tried something like this in recent memory. Just look at JFK. He attempted a similar ritual, based on some sort of numerology I haven’t quite figured out yet, but it deals with the number three. Eldest of 3 brothers; killed on the 33 parallel (this is the same parallel where the Trinity test site sits); he was killed near the Trinity River. For some reason, it didn’t work for Kennedy, though he has certainly been raised up in the conscience of many as an “ideal” President. (Sometimes I think his brothers had to be ritually sacrificed too to complete the trinity. For some reason, Teddy opted out of it at Chappiquidick)

But with Diana, it may very well have worked. Some wackjob has even begun a Church of Diana, based around her channeled teachings.

2 thoughts on “The Queen of Heaven

  1. Sir Cabhán says:

    Here is another theory about princess Di’s death.

    It was faked.

    Mother Teresa knew that she was going to die some day soon , so she offers Princess Diana the job of coming to wherever it is that MT had her mission and taking over. You see, Diana was the only woman around with enouth purity of spirit to do Mother Teresa’s job without being tempted by the millions of pounds that would pass through her hands each year. So Mother Teresa offers her the job.

    Diana wanted to do it, but she had a problem:

    There was no way on God’s earth that the Royal Family would let the mother of a future king just disappear into a nunnery and fade from public view.

    So Diana cut a deal with an unnamed operative from MI5 . You see, certain factions of MI5 wanted Dodi Fayed brown bread , and we all know that he was a vain man who treated sex and women as another road to more power. Perhaps he was a Poligomancer ?

    Anyway, the deal is that Diana was to seduce Dodi Fayed and MI5 would take care of faking her death and at the same time bump Dodi Fayed off.

    It went perfectly smoothly.

    Dodi Fayed is now dead and Diana is secretly living in Mother Teresa’s mission, running the whole show from behind the scenes. A high ranking Mother Surperior acts as the new face of the mission, but it is really Princess Diana that is controlling it.

  2. INNIKNOW says:

    RE : Diana & Dodi …

    They ARE Married ; they ARE ALIVE and living in a ‘desert hideaway’ with their new children ; Dodi had their demise ‘faked’ as he knew all about these things after actually Producing the Movie ‘FX:Murder By Illusion’ (Check out the ‘On Screen Credits’ of the Movie ) – starring Bryan Brown acting as a Film Special Effects Designer who was called upon to fake the deaths of people whilst making it APPEAR to be very real indeed . Part of the proceeds from ‘Di The Death’ (Sounds Like A Welsh Undertaker , doesn’t it ! ) Memorabilia goes to fund a very comfortable lifestyle for their new little family…


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