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Killer Highway

There’s a killer in the road…

In Canada there is a stretch of highway simply known as Hwy 17, it passes like a lifeline through Ontario. But, this highway has a deep dark secret. It’s an actual sentient being that feeds on the blood of those who traverse it.
The highway itself is a killer. It has claim many lives and will continue to do so.
The highway radiates negativity. And it when it hungers it will feed on anything that happens to be on it. Be careful when travelling along this corridor of terror. For you will never know when it will strike.

4 thoughts on “Killer Highway

  1. Insect King says:

    The Highway is not limited to Canada. It exists like a demon possessing other roads and using them to kill!

    You can drive out the demon by chipping three equally-spaced pot holes of two-foot depth and filling the holes with the blood of a pet, pasteurised milk and filling the hole with freshly ground lemon rinds.

    The ritual keeps the Killer Road away for decade or three.

    To think I remember when the Killer Highway was merely an enchanted footpath all those years ago.

  2. Tim Bisaillon says:

    Enchanted foot path my arse! 😉 Next thing you will be saying elves live deep in the woods and little hobbits live in burrows.

    Though I do know that fairies do exsist cause my PoMoMa tells me so.

    Hmmm, I go hide now.

  3. Insect King says:

    You forget it was my enchanted footpath. I still know the summoning and binding rituals to send the Killer Highway where I want.

    I have avoided sending my pet through the Information Superhighway because of that Shub-Internet bitch-creature-thing that lives there, but I sure I can find your driveway from here ;p.

  4. Chance Lauziere-Peterson says:

    Heheh, Jokes on him. You don’t havea driveway!


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