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Magic 8-Ball

No Really! It is!

Okay, so I bet your wondering what I’m tlaking about. Well here’s the quick to the point version.

Write down a question on the back of a Bar coaster. Now burn that coaster in a Barroom ashtray. Use the ash from that coaster to chalk a pool cue.

Now with the chaulked poolcue, Rack and Break a set of 8-ball Balls.

The answer to your question will be spelt out numerically by the balls.

(They will break and fall into random holes. Numbers written on the balls now range from 1-26 for every leter in teh alphabet. The numbers will go in order from the pocket to your left when you break and work its way clockwise.

I say spend about 2-3 minor charges.

Suggestions. Comments, completely off topic rants about Sheep?


11 thoughts on “Magic 8-Ball

  1. Tim Bisaillon says:

    Sheep? I don’t want to talk about what you do afterhours now.

  2. Chance Lauziere-Peterson says:

    *shakes fist*

  3. Tim Bisaillon says:

    kidding aside. I like the idea.

  4. zalliragy says:

    Personally, the cost seems small for such a general purpose… for a cost like that, then to make it fair, I think the answer should only be able to be answered by a “yes” or “no” or a “maybe”, just like a real “magic 8-ball” that they sell at stores, in the cheesy department, next to the suckyness inducing toys.

  5. Paka says:

    I think it would be a neat ritual for a local bar to have. The really strange regulars know about it and they think it has something to do with the bar’s geomancy or somethin’.

    Neat stuff.

  6. Chance Lauziere-Peterson says:


    I wasn’t sure about the charge cost myself. I was tempted to just leave it up to the individual.

    I also like that idea of it coming up in vague answeres like a normal 8-ball..

    Thanks again!

  7. The Tim says:

    Remember the answer has to be short. As long as new balls aren’t formed it is limited to about 16 letters. So you can’t really get too much unless you ask very specific questions that would allow for a proper answer in that much space.

    Additionally it may price by the value of the information, so you never know how many charges it will suck down or if you’ll end up with a mojo deficit.

  8. Mattias says:

    …and you only get the letters in the answer, but you have to figure out the correct order yourself…

  9. Chance Lauziere-Peterson says:

    That was actually my original idea Mattias.

  10. Unfinishedbusinessman says:

    Damn that’s one cool ritual.

  11. Unfinishedbusinessman says:

    It might be cool though if you have to smear in numbers next to each of the holes on the billard table or trace them on the 8-balls which would require you to have twenty six 8-balls. Unless the characters of the answer form as cracks in the surface of the 8-balls in which case they can only be used reliabily once.

    3 minor charges seems about right.


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