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Ready for a working vacation?

Okay, look, you didn’t hear this from me… well, you did, otherwise I dont’ get paid for recruiting you. But something big’s about ot happen in Hawaii, and I represent someone whow ants to hire you to go there and look into it.

I can’t give you many details right now. The short version is, that Lilo and Stitch cartoon movie? The blue thing ain’t an alien, it’s something astral taken flesh. And it’s real. We tracked it to some kid on the island of Oahu. And for some reason, all the ‘pets’ on the island are vanishing. Incuding a few magicked ones.

So if you want in, we’re paying travel and five hudnred bucks a day to cover pay and expenses. Four people already on the team, we just need you to wrap up what we need.

You in?

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