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Lava Lamps caused the Occult Underground Explosion

Ever wondered what caused the Occult Underground Explosion of the 1960’s? It was Matmos and the Lava Lamp…

You know, ever since my mum got a lava lamp, she and dad have been a little less straight-laced and more inclined to accept that I have a different world view to them. They don’t automatically try to give rational explanations to my stories, and are more relaxed about my unconventional lifestyle.

She got me one for my birthday, and one for my sister the Christmas before. She has become more laid back herself.

As for me, I love my lava lamp. It’s a 3′ floorstanding one and it takes about two hours to heat up but it’s awesome to watch.

So what is this theory I have about lava lamps?

Well, the original lava lamps were done by an English company called Matmos. It was named after that lava-like stuff from Barbarella, BTW.

Rumour has it that the founder had some major mojo going for him, and that it is perfectly possible that he found a way of putting a charge into all the Lava Lamps he sold. Maybe it was the actual way it’s made that gave it the charge? I dunno…

But anyway, the Lava Lamp scheme was a kinda proto-Mak Attack, only what he did actually worked. It caused a massive number of people to become clued into the Occult Underground. First it was bands like the Beetles and the Doors that got them and made them trendy, then every hip teenager got them, and before you knew it, thousands were dropping out and hooking into the Occult Underground.

The lava lamps came before the acid explosion, remember.

Anyway, laval lamps are coming back into vogue and Matmos Ltd are still going. So we’re due for another explosion within the Occult Underground.

But you wanna know what’s really cool?

There’s loads of other companies making lava lamps, as Matmos no longer have an exclusive patent, and they all seem to have the same power.

3 thoughts on “Lava Lamps caused the Occult Underground Explosion

  1. Nick Wedig says:

    Might I point out that the easiest way to generate random number is through the use of a webcam and a lava lamp?

  2. deathmonkey says:

    the process seems rather complicated and convoluted to me…

  3. Sir Cabhán says:

    Yeah, but use the random number generated with a public key encryption system, and you have a pretty secure keyset, possibly more secure than PGP for Windows.

    Anyway, how did we get from Lava Lamps causing the Occult Underground Explosion to encryption algorythms generated with Lava Lamps?

    This is so UA…


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