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They got the lottery all backwards

Everybody in the occult underground will, with appropriate prompting, tell you about their surefire method for winning the lottery (though, of course, they won’t explain how it works). So why aren’t they rich?

The truth is, the real magick that the lottery provides has nothing to do with winning the jackpot, it’s about the magick of the numbers themselves.

The lottery gives you a three digit number and a four digit number each day, right? What else has seven digits split into three, then four? That’s right, it’s a phone number. The lottery is a telephone oracle. Whoever is on the end of the line when you call that number knows something that you need to know, though sometimes getting the prophecy out of them can be difficult. It helps if you have a winning ticket, I believe.

3 thoughts on “They got the lottery all backwards

  1. Nick Wedig says:

    I work in a conveinence store, so I see a lot of weird behaviour about the lottery, particularly people applying numerology ofsome variety to the game. No one wins, though.

    Places other than Pennsylvania may not have the same lottery set up, so you may need this rumor to come from a GMC from out of the usual PC area.

  2. lou says:

    In the big cities (Atlanta for example), you must include a three digit area code to dial any number… otherwise it gives you a warning message.
    A warning message…. hmmm.

  3. hombremalo says:

    In my country you can find many other loteries systems and thousand of people trying to find some way to win.Pithagorical theories,cabbalistic systems and so on.But the main question is have you ever known someone who has win an important prize in one of those lotteries?Do you know where they live?Strange…


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