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The Velocimancer

AKA Mercurians, Speed Freaks, Twitchers

You know that speed is all that matters. People say that the journey is more important than the destination, but only you really know how right they are. Speed is all, getting there fast and getting away faster. You can feel your heart pounding as you run. What could be more real than that?

The central paradox of velocimancy is that you are always aiming for a destination, focused on getting there as soon as possible. But once you arrive, you have to go somewhere else.

Velocimancy Blast Style
An object travelling at high speed can do a lot of damage. A handful of dust at the speed of sound can rip through unprotected skin. And when you throw a knife at that kind of speed…
These ‘blasts’ are much like normal attacks, just magically enhanced. As a result, the unnatural check for being attacked by magic will not always apply. As a slight compensation, unlike other mages you can target your attacks against the scenery.

Generate a Minor Charge
Travel for an hour without retracing your steps or crossing the same piece of ground twice. You can’t use this twice on the same route. So if it takes you 2 hours to walk to work, you can’t get 2 charges. And it only counts the first time you walk a particular route. So if you want to charge on the way to work, you have to go by a different route every day.
Win a contest of athletics, such as a sprint or marathon, against at least 3 competent opponents.

Generate a Significant Charge
As for a minor charge, but you have to be travelling faster than the speed of sound.
Win a contest of speed (athletics or motor racing or similar) against at least 2 people who are considered world famous for their abilities in that type of competition.

Generate a Major Charge
Be the fastest person in the world.
Be the world champion at some contest of speed. This will generate a charge at the end of every year for which you hold on to the title.

Minor Taboo
Be overtaken by someone or something. This temporarily prevents you from using magic until the offending someone stops, or you manage to catch up with them.
Suppressive fire coming from behind you is really annoying.

Real Taboo
Stop moving. If you don’t want to lose all your charges every time you get your head down, you’d better sleep in the back of a car, or on a plane.

Minor formula spells
Directional Velocity – 1 minor charge
You can immediately find out the direction taken by the last person to pass a specific landmark. The faster they were travelling, the more precise an answer you will get. You can’t ask any questions, you just cast the spell and suddenly find yourself moving in the right direction.

Caught in the slipstream – 2 minor charges
You touch a small object, and it flies towards a target of your choice. This is the minor blast, and does damage as if you had hit the target with your chosen object in melee combat. Propelling a large or heavy object will cost +1 charge.

Linear acceleration – 2 minor charges
You can run faster than any normal human, about 30-40mph. Casting this spell again on later turns doubles your speed each time. It automatically wears of if you attempt to turn or slow down.

Significant Formula Spells

Vector Thrust – 2 significant charges
The significant blast. This spell requires a material component – a bullet. You throw the bullet, and it acts like it was fired from a gun, doing normal firearms damage. You can fire multiple shots at the same time by paying an additional significant charge for each shot. The only limit is the number of bullets you are carrying, or your charges. For an extra +2 charges per bullet, you can ignore the normal maximum damage for the weapon.

Pushing the Limits – 3 sig charge
Cast as a reflexive action, this allows the velocimancer to pass unharmed through any obstruction. However, it only lasts a half second, so you’d better be moving pretty fast if you want to pass through a big obstruction. This can also be used to dodge an attack that you would not normally be able to.

5 thoughts on “The Velocimancer

  1. strange_person says:

    Seems to me minor charges are too hard, majors too easy.

  2. David Masad says:

    On the whole, a good, well thought-out school of magic. The first way to get a minor charge though seems a bit awkward because it doesn’t have anything to do with the actual speed of the journey.
    An alternative might be that to gain a Minor Charge, travel faster than normal for one hour for no other reason but the pleasure of speed. Driving to work fast wouldn’t get a charge, but getting on the freeway and driving the same speed just for fun would.

  3. Nicodemus C Power says:

    Actually, I think it would be better to remove the 2nd charging method at each level. Those are essentially a variant school, added for the benefit of one NPC.

    The first one could more sensibly be “travel for an hour without going below the legal speed limit”, which is more quantifiable than simply travelling fast.

    Thanks for the comments 🙂 A boost to my self confidence, I might post some of my other ideas soon.

  4. Berserk X #33 says:

    The speed of sound is kind of a godlike achievment for anyone, you suffer from a giant amount of side effect from moving at the speed of sound, and you must remember the rule of thumb, no free charges, so no magick to help you achieve a charge. So I believe the charging method should be overhauled.

    Minor Charge – Keep a faster pace for a hour, or in case of a driver, stay over the speed limit for 10 minutes straight on public streets, and for a hour on highroads.

    Significant Charge – Win at a speed based competition, but only in a competition where there’s a real chance of you loosing. So, no racing that fat guy over and over for free charges. You must defeat someone as good or better than you.

    Major Charge – Turn into the world class champion of a speed based sport or break a new record in a speed based modality (You have to be fast, because the more you take, the bigger the records get).

    Also new taboos:

    Taboo: You may never stay still for more than 2 hours straight, unless it’s for rest, and never be defeated in a speed based sport by someone worse than you in that sport.


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