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The Typewriter

A battered 1964 Royal Portable, it carries a terrible secret

As chronicled in Hush, Hush, in 1966 Dirk Allen grabbed a swig from the Fountain of Youth and used the resulting major charge to get a glimpse of the true nature of the cosmos. He used this knowledge to write a “novel” , 333. Unfortuneately for Dirk, the Sleepers caught up with him just as he was putting the finishing touches on it. The result was that the Sleepers got the manuscript and Dirk got his memories shredded and made such an incredible ass of himself on the BBC that no on would ever take him seriously again.
What the Sleepers didn’t know was this. At that time typewriters use an ink coated ribbon to transfer the keystrokes to the paper. Every keystroke made is recorded on the ribbon. Thus it is a quite possible, if painstaking, task to reconstruct any document from the typewriter ribbon used to type it.
So what happened to the typewriter? After the Sleepers attentions, Dirk went on a long drunken binge. When he neglected to pay the rent on his London flat, the landlord confiscated Allen’s possessions for back rent. After decades of sitting on the back shelf of some storage locker the typewriter was: (Pick one or make up your own):
-donated to the local Salvation Army Thrift Shop.
-donated to the local church’s rummage sale.
-sold to a wax museum for its “Dirk Allen- Writer and Rogue” exhibit
-put up for auction on e-bay.
Reading 333 should give the character a 10% skill in something like Knowledge: Invisible Clergy. I will leave the reaction of Dirk Allen, if confronted with a copy of his long lost manuscript, as an exercise to the reader.
In addition, don’t forget that the typewriter would be a significant artifact in its own right. Unnatural Phenomena are likely to occur in its immediate vicinity, perhaps as often as once a month. (“I tell you Bert, that storeroom is haunted!”) The typewriter would also make a good basis fo some Mechanomancy artifact. And who knows what powers it may have developed on its own?
What the Sleepers will do is anyone’s guess.

3 thoughts on “The Typewriter

  1. Menzoa says:

    Very nice. Small, overlooked, but connected, in the theme of the Coke Bottle Grail.

  2. Reed says:


    Excellent tie-in to the UO universe. Very interesting.

  3. VandalHeartX says:

    You magnificent b@&7@rd. This is perfect.


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