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A Clutch Of Rumours

You ever noticed about Japanese music? and other rumours…

You ever noticed about Japanese music?
Y’know, them cartoons they have and everything – the CDs they sell out there? It’s all rock metal. You ever notice that? And synthesisers. When was the last time you ever saw a synthesiser being used? And that other music… J-Pop, whatever they call it – it’s really backwards. It’s more like Blondie on helium than anything nowadays.
And that’s the whole point; it’s at least twenty years out of date. That’s the deal, man, Japan isn’t part of this world. The guy I used to work with in the Florida Mall; he used to be in the Navy – worked out of Okinawa – and he said that back in the 70s something happened that made Japan *stick*. That’s how he put it.
Oh sure, your watch still works and everything, but them people are still living in the 1980s.
But here’s the kicker. If they were making all that electronic wizardry back in the 80s… then what would they be building if they get put back into the real time?

Burger King’s been hiring some guy out in Wyoming as a ‘security consultant’. He’s been on their pay-roll since ’86. That’s eighteen-eighty-six.

If a two-headed child gets born in Knob Lick, Texas, it means that a star’s gonna fall.

That old saying about carrots helping your eyesight – it’s true! If you poke yourself in the eyes enough times with one, you can start seeing things as they really are, rather than what they want you to see!

There’s an abortion clinic in New York State where they put the babies back in!

“The Lord Of The Flies” wasn’t written as a children’s novel, or a treatise on ethics, or any of that shit. It’s an analogy of the future and our past. We’re all the cosmic debris from a crashed airliner and we’re splitting into two groups; the technocrats and the savages. You really don’t want to know what Piggy symbolises – or who the rescuing officer is at the end.

Uma Thurman’s trying to aquire the Masterless Man as her schtick, with those Kill Bill films. Look at the fucking title, man!

A train crash happened last week. Except when they got down to it, there weren’t any bodies. Eighty-five people booked on – no one there. Aliens took ’em all before the accident, and the Government’s covering for ’em. Just like JFK.

A bunch of kids in the slums are stealing those new Fords using only broken spark-plugs and hospital scissors.

The Russian Secret Service’s been staking out this brothel down by the river. Turns out the hookers are making hallucinogenic sex-dolls. Why would they want to stop that, huh?

All that shit about Alex Abel controlling his ’empire’ through hard-work and elbow-grease is bullshit. Alex Able is a mandroid, invented by the CIA – like all other black people in power – in order to create the impression that black people are equal. The CIA made Martin Luther King and then killed him so that African-Americans would get equal rights. That way the Government can start experimenting with AIDs on them, sell crack cocaine and drugs to them as indirect taxes and test out the prison system for when they need to hold all the UN and Alien-implanted subversives at the start of the coming ice-age.
The public never complain about treating people like shit if they think they’re all on equal footing.

All orientals can use magic. All of them.

Chevy Chase raped my goat! He’s been travelling all over America, molesting farm-animals and beating up tramps! At least, it looks like him…

When I was in the Big House back in Philly, I met this guy whe told me there’s some kind of special prison out in the Rockies, made specially for holding magick-users and witches and weirdos like that. It’s run by a guy named Foley… Governor T-Wiley Foley. You can get to the place by turning left at the fork to North Hale, but only at visiting times.

5 thoughts on “A Clutch Of Rumours

  1. Crudeboy says:

    Chevy Chase reduced to beastiality and assault of the homeless… That really isn’t hard to believe.

  2. deathmonkey says:

    i’m guessing you’ve never heard of bands like zeni geva. a fuckin hard core japanese band that sound like nothing coming from any place in the 80’s. and the last time i saw a band using a synthesizer was about two weeks ago, and it wasn’t like cheap trick or flock of seagulls neither. a lot of japanese punk sounds straight from the 80’s, i’ll give you that. and so does eastern european punk, oddly enough.

  3. Xael says:

    We needed to lock Japan outside of real time. While depowering their emperor at the end of WWII almost knocked him out of the race for the True King slot, it wasn’t enough, so an American Dynast Cabaal came up with a nationwide version of the Cartesian Curse. Obviously, it’s a little bit diluted because it’s being applied on such a huge scale, which is why t he country’s still there.

  4. Greykev says:

    The train crash is only the tip of the iceburg. Groups of people dissapear from homes, businesses, and passenger vehicals everyday, but the authorities and the sleepers have been able to cover it up for the most part. The rate of vanishings spiked during 2000 (the millenium, k’know?) but it’s on the rise again now, and it’s got a lot of people worried.

  5. maijin says:

    The rumor about Lord of the Flies is awesome.


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