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Creepy Evil Child

“I met this six-year-old child, with this blind, pale, emotionless face and, the blackest eyes… the Devil’s eyes.” – Dr. Sam Loomis

The Creepy, Evil Child.

The remorseless child killer is not a new concept. For years they have played in our horror films: Regan MacNeil, Mike Myers, Daimion Thorn, Rosemary’s baby, the children of the corn and so on. But the child killer did not truly enter the collective unconscious until children began taking their parents guns to school, stalking the halls, and killing their friends. Now the horror movie and the reality have mixed, and children have begun to channel the fiction.

Now there are children who really cannot feel remorse. They kill for no reason. Their lives are about scaring the rest of the world. Rumor has it that the current incarnation of the creepy evil child was actually clued into the occult underground, and ascended by slipping a massive overdose of hormones to the Godwalker of the Mother, causing her to miscarry and become infertile.

Note that this archtype is not all bad. The creepy children remind us to care for our children, to pay attention to them, lest they become (whispers) like that.

Attributes: The most obvious of these is that the creepy evil child must look like (duh) a child. This includes most professional female gymnasts and particularly twisted epideromancers (so yes, you could have an avatar of the evil child in her fifties). The evil child is typically silent and pale. He moves with a deliberate slowness, studying the people around him like he is already killing them. Plus, she’s wicked creepy.

Taboo: The evil child has two taboos. First, they must never appear over the age of 14 or so. That gets into the very similar Angsty Teen archetype. Second, they must never show remorse for harming another person. (Possible alteration or addition here – never act on noble impulses).

Symbols: Knifes. Halloween masks. Bloody toys. You know, the usual.

Suspected Avatars in History: Mitchell Johnson and Andrew Golden, Andrew Jerome Wurst, and children who encouraged their siblings to drink that blue stuff under the sink.

Masks: Evil Horror Movie Kids.


01% – 50% You can find an get access to any weapon an adult has nearby. Ever wonder how that kid knew about his grandfather’s gun in the attic? How that lock that should have protected your gun so well was found opened during the police investigation? By concentrating for a round and making a successful avatar roll, the evil child can know how many weapons and of what types are owned by all adults within a 1 block radius, and how to get to them. This includes combination codes, key locations, ammunition locations, and just where the sharpest knife in the drawer is located.

51% – 70% You can change the attitudes towards you of those around you. By looking at a specific person and making a successful Avatar roll, you may substitute you avatar for intimidate, charm, soothe, or any other spirit-based emotion roll. Some avatars use this to seem perfectly innocent, some to blend into the background, and others to terrify their victims while hunting them. Be wary though; the effect only lasts about 10 minutes, so is ineffective against entire juries.

71% – 90% What the? She was there a moment ago, I swear. This is where the evil child begins to take on aspects of the movies. When stalking an intended victim or victims, the child may teleport to a location within eyeshot. Most evil children use this to do the old “mirror trick” (appearing in the mirror behind them but when they turn around you’re gone), or watch someone through the window but vanish when they sense someone there. More recent incarnations have used them when the police come to stop them, appearing ten or twenty feet off from where the police thought they were, ready to strike from ambush. Note that, while it is extremely rare to actually witness a blink, seeing one would cause a level 5 unnatural check.

91% – 98% When moving in for a kill of an intended victim or victims, you become a preternaturally good killer. Whether attacking with hands, teeth, knife or shotgun, you may use your avatar skill instead of an appropriate combat skill. However, should you fail to kill the victim, you must hunt them relentlessly. A failure to hunt them results in a level 5 self check. Not that it’s likely to be an issue.

4 thoughts on “Creepy Evil Child

  1. privateI says:

    “Hi, my name’s Chucky, wanna’ play?”

    This was pretty funny, however, I would put a clock on it. The child has to ascend by age 15 or start losing contact w/ the archetype. By age 21, they go flat and lead the same sort of troubled existence that child stars do in Hollywood, once they’ve grown up and can’t get movie rolls anymore.

  2. Epiwhosiwhattsi says:

    Yeah, probably a good call. I was trying to make the class a little more Player Character friendly, but if I’m gonna be honest with myself, it’s pretty much an NPC class anyway. Thanks for the suggestion.

  3. Mattias says:

    Why shouldn’t children be able to follow the regular Dark Stalker Archetype?

  4. Epiwhosiwhattsi says:

    My thinking on the dark stalker was this:

    Children certainly can follow the dark stalker, but the fear of the child killer is a different one than the fear of a dark stalker, and therefore a different archetype. One is the fear of an overwhelming presence, one that comes in the night out of no where, hunting you for some pathalogical reason and killing with overwhelming abilities. The other is the fear of the corrupted innocent. Something that is supposed to be inherently good and precious has somehow gone wrong, and what we held close and maybe even still care for is also that from which we must run away. It could probably use some adjustment to better reflect the differences (I also worried that the similarities were too close), but in terms of the way the universe works, the concept of an evil child is a different concept and fear than that that of a stalker.

    Also, I’m REALLY new to the game, so hadn’t heard of the dark stalker when I wrote it up, but figured there was probably something like that out there.


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