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The Guy That Dosen’t Stay Down For Long

Some People just hate weakness. You are ‘some people’.

You seriously can’t stand to be weak. You hate it. Like nothing else, you want to be equal to or better than the people around you. But you aren’t. You don’t admit, but you are weaker than they are. But that doesn’t stop you. Not for long. Your always back, trying to be the best you can. Some people think you’re the most annoying person in town. Other’s think it’s cool. Some just think it’s sad. For you, it’s a way of life.

Attributes: TGTDSDFL never gives up, no matter how grim something is, or how far they are knocked down. They exude an aura of not giving up. People respect that, though most just think it’s a little sad, and people telling TGTDSDFL to give up are common.

Taboo: Give up. Give in to your weakness, or admitting it to the public. You’re addicted to heroin? No one better find out, or your connection to the avatar is weakened.

Symbols: A person standing up to adversity. The American Flag, for the particularly patriotic TGTDSDFL. Paintings, cause a lot of TDTDSDFLs were also Starving Artists at one point.

Suspected Avatars in history: George Washington, though it was more likely he was channeling The Patriot.

Masks: I can’t think of any right now.

Channels: 1%-50% You Can’t Make Me!: The avatar gets +10% for all rolls attempting to resist Charm, Intimidate, and similar skills, OR may use his Avatar: TGTDSDFL skill in the place of Resist Charms and similar skills. One or the other, and if you pick one, you can’t use the other. This channel is useable once a day.

51%-70% Hurting me will hurt yourself.: The avatar gets more violent as he gets weaker, trying to get back into power. If his wound points ever fall below 5, he gets +20% to all Struggle and similar skill rolls, but -20% to all firearms skill rolls. It’s hard to aim straight when you’re desperate. This channel is useable twice a week.

71%-90% Come on baby hold together…: The Avatar’s equipment gains her own comebackness, for lack of a better term. In any event where any of the avatar’s equipment, from that watch to a bullet train they are driving, would fail, make a major Avatar: TGTDSDFL roll. If it’s passed, the equipment magically repairs itself, and witnessing doing so would cause an Unnatural stress check of the GMs discretion for all onlookers that don’t know about the Avatar’s powers. This channel is useable once a week.

91%-99% I’LL BE BACK!: The avatar can return from the dead, he’s so stubborn. At any time the avatar falls below 0 wound points, make an Avatar: TGTDSDFL roll at -20%. If it passes, the Avatar is returned to 1 wound, is unconscious, and may still end up dieing if they don’t get treatment soon. This channel is useable once a month.

5 thoughts on “The Guy That Dosen’t Stay Down For Long

  1. Thermophile says:

    I couldn’t think of any masks, plus this is my first avatar build. I think it’s pretty good, if maybe a little overpowered, but i’ve never played a game of UA.

  2. Thermophile says:

    Addition to Taboos:
    If you ever go three days, three hours, and three minutes without being knocked down a peg or two by someone else, then you lose some of your connection to the avatar. After all, how can you not stay down for long if you never get down in the first place?

  3. the nihohit says:

    I have to say, the channels are way too weak.
    a. the channels can be used so sparingly that they’re not really useful.
    b. the channels are very case-specific, and aren’t useful on a general basis.

  4. Thermophile says:

    Kay. First channel, remove the dayly limit and the second option
    Second channel, remove the daily limit, and change the effect to: For every wound point you take, you recieve a +1% shift to any Struggle or Firearms related skills.
    Third channel, keep it mostly the same. remove the limit and change the effect of it to: Successful roll will cause the damaged equipmen to be repaired shoddily. Rank-2 unnatural check. Matched success results it it being as good as new, and a rank-4 unnatural check. critical success results in the equipment being better than it was before it broke, and a rank-6 unnatural check.
    Fourt channel, remove the limit= and the minus to the avatar: TGTDSDFL check.

    How’s that sound?

  5. Anon says:

    Rocky could be a mask.


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