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Assorted Scenario Seeds and Tidbits

Cloud seeding for brainstorms.

The Freak is Dead, Long Live The Freak: The rumors of The Freak shuffling off this mortal coil are flying through the underground, prompting a mad dash by other Mystic Hermaphrodites to claim the Godwalker position. The best bets are avatar/adept combinations, and the competition is bloody, with the PCs close enough to the middle of it to get splatter all over their clothes. TNI is trying to get observers in, the Sleepers are trying to keep the brawl out of the public eye, the Order of St. Cecil is yelling for backup and more holy water, and the highest level avatars are showing up dead in unexplained and terrible ways. Come to think of it… just who told who that The Freak was dead, anyhow?

The Red Plague: People are dropping like flies in a small town the PCs are passing through. The National Guard set up roadblocks, fire on anyone trying to leave, and communications in and out are being jammed to prevent panic. Problems start stacking up real fast, including (but not limited to) sick people lynching the ones who seem immune and Guard Units getting infected and turning against their still healthy superiors. The symptoms usually include some sort of bodily disfigurement and stigmata-type wounds, building up to a painful death as organs dissolve. With some serious searching, the PCs find a corpse in the local hospital/ Doctor’s house, a young kid covered in scars and completely desanguinated. The easy part will be figuring out the kid was a fleshworker and scored a major charge to made this plague. The hard part is finding a cure in time…

Half-Crazy: A Fleshworker with a hard-on for the computer game “Half-Life” has made it his duty to recreate the alien creatures from the world of Xen. There’s parasitic crabs, hunchbacked eel/human hybrids that shoot lightning, exploding rats, exploding bees, three legged dogs who howl loud enough to break glass, and giant tentacles with perfect hearing. Either by accident or by design, the cages at his place have gotten opened and the PCs have to wipe out all evidence of these monsters before the Sleepers do it for them. And when that’s over, there’s the troubling matter of what will happen if he makes that big green thing with the one red eye and flame-spewing claws.

One thought on “Assorted Scenario Seeds and Tidbits

  1. KriegsaffeNo9 says:

    Rockin’. I especially love nos. 1 and 3. No. 3 is a callow excuse to cross over with Half-Life, and I have absolutely no problem with it.


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