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Alternative Interpretations

Tired of using the same explanations for the Naked Goddes and the Comte de St. Germaine as everyone else?

A couple alternatives that Gm’s can use for their games that differ from the ‘canon’ truths of the rulebooks. Maybe you’ll want them to be the reality in your game, maybe you’ll just want your GMCs to have some different explanation to what’s going on.

The Naked Goddess<\b>

The Naked Goddess recently ascended as the avatar of the Fallen Woman. Think about it: publically degraded, not just once but numerous times, for the purient amusement of others in such a way that she can never be anything but a sex object. Likely she had every opportunity for a normal life starting out. A prosperous, middle-class lifestyle growing up, good school, parents who cared for her. Then something went horribly wrong that started her on a downward spiral. Perhaps she was sexually abused by a family member or other trusted adult. Perhaps she turned to drugs and ran away from home. Many porn stars start out as strippers, so its possible she got into the skin trade in her late teens–and may have been a sometime prostitute as well. Sex on film was the final degredation. Becoming a porn ‘star’ means you can never go back to a normal life–among those who have tried are Betty Paige and Linda Lovelace. Both have had to live in seclusion, isolating themselves from any public contact.

For some reason, perhaps because she may have realized what was happening and rode the path of the Avatar consciously at the end, the Naked Goddess ascended. All proof of her prior identity was erased–her very name is gone, which is the ultimate degradation because now, not only could she never become anything but a sex object but it is as if that is all she EVER WAS.

The Comte de St. Germain

The Comte is NOT a cosmic fix-it man. He’s not keeping the end of the universe on track. He’s monitering nothing of that sort. What the Comte is is the Godwalker of the Magus (or Mystic Seeker). He’s got as his final channel what every alchemist in Europe and Asia was hunting for for thousands of years: the immortal god-body. What’s his gig? He’s promoting the idea of the mystical, and has done it very well– by keeping up the belief that a rational explanation doesn’t exist for everything. He doesn’t know everything, though he knows a hell of a lot (he was just as stunned by the Naked Goddess ascention as everybody else). Every so often he gets the Dukes stirred up, because complacency in Magick risks its dying off–and hence risks the Avatar he serves. He’s the guy who convinced/manipulated the Rosicrucians in Los Angeles to start up trouble for the Adepts in San Fran–those guys were getting a little too stable. Plus some shithead there was using his name.

He also spends a lot of time writing ‘ancient’ mystic texts to plant in various locales for others to find. These texts will contain at least one functional ritual, just to keep things going.

3 thoughts on “Alternative Interpretations

  1. John Q. Mayhem says:

    I like that take on the Comte.

  2. Basilisk says:

    Thanks, John.

    The Comte has so much potential–though I think this interpretation is best suited for paranoid, conspiracy-oriented GMCs and games.

  3. BrokenBone says:

    I, too, like your take on the Comte, but I also like the “cannon” perspective. Maybe I can mix both, and have the Godwalker of the Magus be the historical Saint Germain, and The First and Last Man be what the book says, and all the dukes believe they are the same person (to the amusement of them both)

    (Excuse my poor grammar, I’m not a native english speaker)


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