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The magic of Internet memes. Be the man now, dog!

Culture is dead. Long live culture!
Art isn’t what it used to be. Back in the day, stories were passed on to one handful of listeners at a time, cultural phenomena were isolated to individual communities, and if you wanted to see the Mona Lisa, you actually had to go and see it. The Internet and other information technology changed all that. Memetics has come into its own alongside genetics.
You follow the paths of viral videos, fan fiction, animutations, and sites like (Newgrounds) , (eBaumsworld) , and (You’re the Man Now Dog) . You can see the sudden flow of ideas into the collective unconscious, and you’re ready to ride the wave.

Memetomancy’s symbolic tension comes from the blurred and distorted role of the creator in the Information Age. The central paradox of Memetomancy is that its followers take pride in “creating” things that already existed, passing these things on to an audience that will never know their names, and simultaneously cherishing and destroying the belief that art is an expression of the creator’s soul.

Generate a Minor Charge
Create a web page, image, Flash movie, or other piece of Internet culture that is seen by at least 1,337 people. Alternatively, spend eight hours straight studying viewer hit patterns, bizarre fan fiction, obscure webpages, etc.

Generate a Significant Charge
Create an Internet meme that is viewed by at least 13,370 people or borrowed from by at least 100 other creators. Or, be personally responsible for making something go out of style without using any spells.

Generate a Major Charge
Create a cultural fad that reaches an audience of at least 2 million people, or permanently affect a pre-existing character or cultural icon. The guy who made the Facts about Chuck Norris page got a major charge, as did the guy who made ( .

Starting Charges 7 minor charges.

Pursuing or punishing thieves is taboo for you. If someone steals your property, regardless of whether the property is material, intellectual, or metaphysical, you cannot steal it back, file a complaint, press charges, or even ask for the property to be returned. You may take preemptive measures to secure your property from thievery, but once it’s out of your control, you can never get it back without breaking taboo.

You also lose all your charges if you create a completely original work of art, with no “borrowed” characters or images. This can be as simple as scribbling a made-up figure on a cocktail napkin. Most Memetomancers don’t consider this taboo to be much of a problem to keep.

Memetomancy Blast Style
Memetomancy has no blast.

Random Magick Domain
Anything that deals with culture, information, evolution, or the concept of personal or intellectual property. Memetomancy doesn’t create or destroy people or things, but it can change, displace, and rearrange almost everything about them.

Minor Formula Spells

Punch the Keys, for God’s Sake!
1 minor charge per day
This spell gives you the ability to write or type at over 300 words per minute, with no errors, for 1 day. It doesn’t change the speed at which you can think, run, shoot, etc.

Go Wireless
1 minor charge per hour
This spell allows you to access the Internet from anywhere. A browser window pops up inside your field of vision. There’s a “speaker” in your ear that nobody else can hear. You control the “mouse” and “keyboard” with your thoughts alone. You can walk around and do simple tasks while doing this, but you can’t really concentrate on anything else. The window takes up some of your field of vision, so you’re at -20% to skills that require sight unless you take a round to minimize the window.

2 minor charges
This spell sows doubt and skepticism in an audience. It can cause any skill check to fail that uses spoken or written words to convince somebody that something is true. To use it to prevent a live speaker from making a convincing argument, you have to audibly say “oh, really?” If the argument is written or visual, you have to write “O RLY?” on the work itself, post “O RLY?” on the same thread as the argument, or the like. Note that it doesn’t matter whether or not the target is telling the truth. Avatars of the Messenger really hate this spell, since it even works against their 1%-50% channel.

2 minor charges
This spell counters and negates “O RLY?” if you burn the charge and say or write “YA RLY” immediately following the “O RLY?”. Against non-Memetomancers, it lets you reroll a skill check to convince somebody that something is true.

Secret Nazi Forest
4 minor charges
This spell lets you slip something small into an existing book, song, painting, or other piece of information. You could alter “Hey Jude” so that it has the message of your choice when played backwards, you could make any movie sync up with any musical abum when you play them together, or you could slip a barely-noticeable word into the pattern of an Escher drawing. It affects all editions and copies of the target, but people don’t start noticing it until after you cast the spell.

Significant Formula Spells

Your Arms Are Broken
1 significant charge
This is the closest thing Memetomancers have to a blast. Choose a single human target you can see, tell him that his arms are broken, and suddenly it’s true. The target need not understand you. This spell causes intense pain in the target, whose arms become totally nonfunctional until they heal naturally, but this spell doesn’t actually cause any bleeding or wound point damage.

All Your Base are Belong To Us
3 significant charges
This spell lets you bring something into your possession, but not something that has been stolen from you in the past, as that would be breaking taboo. It doesn’t have to be material, but it can’t be something metaphysical (You could transfer money from a bank account, but not steal a soul.) The thing cannot be worth more than $133,700. A material object may take a day or two to find its way to you through coincidence. The big downside of this spell is that once you own the thing, its previous owner immediately knows that you have it. If the owner previously knew nothing about you, he at least gets your name and a general impression of who and where you were at the moment the thing became yours.

Runaway Train
1 significant charge
This spell lets you reach into the stream of the collective unconscious. You can dictate, to a significant extent, which people and things will be popular and unpopular tomorrow. You can give a particular person, including yourself, a positive or negative reaction from the world around him tomorrow, resulting in a 20% bonus or penalty to all social skill checks. You can discern and determine which events tomorrow will draw large crowds and which will be likely to go completely unnoticed. Each different type of change costs 1 significant charge.

Major Effects
Make an unknown person or thing globally famous, or do the opposite. Permanently and retroactively change a famous person or work of art in a big way. Send everything a particular person ever created into the public domain.

What You Hear
There’s a comedian in Chicago who knows how to make his audience “get” every joke he tells, no matter how obscure its subject matter. They might not think it’s funny, but they will understand all the facts behind the in-joke and why it’s supposed to be funny.
Gary Brolsma, the kid who performed (Numa Numa) , is a powerful Memetomancer who has been creating more Internet phenomena under assumed (stolen) names and preparing his cabal to send all of New York City into a simultaneous song-and-dance number.

4 thoughts on “Memetomancy

  1. pedant says:

    I’d say overpowered in comparison to other schools. Firstly, it seems to be able to duplicate a lot of the stuff bibliomancy and cliomancy can do, but better. I am specifically thinking of Go Wireless, O RLY, YA RLY and Runaway train. Secondly, the significant blast is actually much better than most sig blasts, because with it you can automatically disable someone and then choose to hurt them. Thirdly the taboo seems a little permissive, not very difficult to avoid, or at least not such a problem.

    That said I like the idea. The internet and the stuff people do on it seems ripe for weird mojo stuff.

  2. Dr. Arbitrary says:

    I don’t know how I feel about the Taboo. I think it is reasonable for the creator to take action to make sure his name is attached to the meme, but beyond that it seems okay.

  3. secretbison says:

    I see the problem with Your Arms Are Broken. How about a revision? You have to burn the charge, then spend three full rounds singing the theme from Ducktales in Finnish, all while maintaining line-of-sight and remaining less than 50 feet from the target. The target’s arms only break at the end of the third round, at the part of the song that sounds like “Your Arms Are Broken!” For reference, see

  4. Bicornis says:

    Secret Nazi Forest should perhaps be a Significant spell, its effect is pretty close to the cliomantic Urban Legend.


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