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Kate Villanueva

Skateboarding caffeine freak with a fear of normality.

Kate Villanueva in Her Own Words:
Come on, man, you wanna talk, you gotta keep up! Ain’t slowin’ down for you! Gotta stay in the flow, gotta keep moving! Holding still, that’s death man, worse than death, it’s nothing. What’s the point if tomorrow’s the same as today, huh? Gonna plug in, zone out, strap down in the mindless post-information-age society? Nuh-uh! Normality’s like the ultimate null point: nothin’ before, nothin’ now, nothin’ ever.
Hold on a sec, I needa refuel.
‘Kay, where was I? Oh yeah, gotta stay in the flow. Keep on the run, keep on the move. There’s magic on the move. Me, I get mojo from the speed. Ya know, espresso, Red Bull, anything caffeine, anything keeps me moving. I get faster in more ways than one off that shit.
Yeah, I courier. Got business cards and everything! Fast Cat Couriering, that’s me! Free market’s a wonderful thing, man! Not much money, but it keeps me moving, and that’s the thing, innit? Why, you got a message you want sent? Twenty bucks, anywhere in the city in fifteen minutes, promise you that!
Why, you got something you need delivered?

Personality: Talks like a beat poet on speed, acts like a punk rocker on coke.
Appearance: Short, spiky-haired, vaguely suicide-girl-ish.
Obsession: Speed. We need to keep moving, keep changing, or else we end up static, and she hates that thought.
Fear Passion: (Helplessness) Paralysis, either physically or mentally.
Rage Passion: People who say she should be normal. She tried normal and did not like it, and gets ticked off at people who suggest she should try it again.
Noble Passion: Folks who have been placed in a situation completely alien to them. She has learned to relish the unexpected and hate routine, but she can remember what it was like when it first happened to her.

Wound Points: 40

BODY: 40 Short
Caffeine Tolerance 30%, General Athletics 20%, Struggle 20%
SPEED: 70 Hummingbird-esque
Dodge 30%, Drive Dangerously 20%, Firearms 5%, Initiative 40%, Skateboarding 50%
MIND: 50 Street Smart
Computer Use 25%, Conceal 20%, High School Education 15%, Notice 35%
SOUL: 60 Hyperactive
Charm 20%, Lying 30%, Magick 45%

Violence 0H 0F
Unnatural 1H 1F
Helplessness 0H 0F
Isolation 0H 0F
Self 0H 0F

Magick : This is a unique school, a variant on dipsomancy, save that her drug of choice is stimulants-specifically, caffeine-rather than booze. To charge up, she needs to consume enough caffeine or other stimulant to forestall 5% worth of penalty: two cups of coffee, a can of Red Bull, a shot of espresso, or a few caffeine pills is enough. For rules on stimulant use, see Postmodern Magick p. 103, “Sleep Exhaustion.” Note that, in addition, using mild stimulants in this way when you are not already suffering from sleep exhaustion imposes a -5% shift to any skill that requires focus, concentration, or a steady hand-including most Mind and Speed skills-for each charge gathered. In addition, for each extra caffeine unit consumed in this way, the amount of hours she has been awake increases by a half-hour for purposes of sleep exhaustion. Caffeine Tolerance works in the same way as Hold My Liquor to forestall these penalties from additional stimulants.
Formulas: Hold my Caffeine (Hold my Liquor), Jolt (costs 2 minor charges; +20% shift to Speed and Speed skills for a number of rounds in combat or hours outside of combat equal to the tens digit of the Magick roll), Lil’ Whammy, The Shakes (Thimblebelly). At present, she does not know any other formula spells.

Inventory: Kate gets around on Marty’s Board, the skateboard used by Michael J. Fox in the Back to the Future movies. A natural artifact, it provides a +20% shift to Skateboarding checks for the purpose of outrunning others. She wears black “punk” clothing, which includes a pill bottle she wears on her belt like a holster that contains crushed caffeine pills, enough for three minor charges at a time. She can generally be seen wearing a backpack; buried inside it is a .22LR Saturday Night Special (unloaded), her cell phone, a three-year-old laptop, and her wallet, in which can be found several Starbucks gift cards, several more Fast Cat Couriering business cards, about $20 in cash, a Bank of America credit card, and a driver’s license.
Possessions: Kate considers herself a “non-resident by choice”-that is to say, she does not have a regular home or appartment. She sleeps at YWCAs, friends’ houses, or on park benches. The closest she has to a permanent residence is a storage locker where she keeps a crate half-full of Starbucks gift cards she bought for a song on eBay-the source of her seemingly unendless supply.
Kate has been drooling over the Mini Cooper S for several years now, and trying to save up for one; unfortunately, her low salary and impulsiveness mean she has barely managed to put just a couple of hundred in the bank.

Using Kate Villanueva:
Since Kate did not want to discuss it, a quick intro on her personal backstory. There is not much: she was born to a middle-class white-collar family, ran away from home at fifteen when she decided she could not stand the boredom, spent a week freaking out over not knowing what to do, then decided she liked the sensation. That, combined with a pre-existing caffeine dependency, was what gave her her obsession; falling in with a dipsomancer was what gave her magick. He wanted to teach her dipsomancy, but the idea of getting power by drinking a tranquilizer got on her nerves; in the end, she just took what he told her and used it with her choice of vice instead of his.
I used Kate in a brief one-player one-shot as a deus ex machina to get things rolling again when the PC was going to wait for the police to arrive and try to explain why there were two dead Coca-Cola employees in his appartment (long story). She worked fairly well in that roll, although it is really hard to talk like her for long. The one-shot ended with her acquiring a major charge by drinking a thermos full of the Secret Ingredient in Coke; any suggestions on what she might do with this would be appreciated, as my player would like to run a second one-shot with the same PC. All I have thought of so far is a +10 or so boost to Speed or no longer needing to sleep, both of which strike me as rather mundane for a major charge.

4 thoughts on “Kate Villanueva

  1. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    I’d really like to hear more about the Coca-Cola employee angle, too. And the Secret Ingredient in Coke. I ran a campaign for a while where there were a pair of twin sisters who were competitive colamancers and cult leaders (one was on the side of the PCs, one against them simply because her sister was for them). It’s more complicated, but yeah.

  2. Insect King says:

    Someone’s been reading SnowCrash.

    She a nice character. Easy to plug and play. Her weird but cool Speed Freak magick is a nice antidote to all the entropomancy skatepunk cliches.



  3. MLowell says:

    Heh… You know, I did not have Snow Crash in my conscious mind when I wrote her up, but it must been in my subconscious mind, because man. The similarities are not so much striking as blinding.

  4. Scurve says:

    I realize I’m a year late here, but a good major charge use might be something along the lines of Kate not needing to sleep, as well as anyone she’s talked to in person within the last 24 hours.


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