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The Statue that never was

But sure is now!

The old man smiled. “So you youngsters think you know everything, huh? Just because you can sling a few spells, well that doesn’t make you rulers of the world y’know. Let me show you something to think about.”

They went to the house’s basement. It was creepy and smelled like something died inside three times in a row. Just like the old guy. On one side, among all the junk there was a statue. About six feet high, it showed some guy with a smug smile on his face and a walking stick. On it’s pedestal the words “The first time traveler” were written.

“This house belonged to a friend of mine. On his deathbed, he told me a story. He was a clockworker, and a pretty talented one. One day, he decided he wanted to build a time machine. And he did. Now don’t look at me like that, I have no f*ckin’ clue where it can be. He told me it looked like a phone booth, like that thing in “Doctor Who”. Anyways, he used it to travel 500 years into the future. And as he was wandering in a park…in the future…he came across this statue. Yes. This is him. Damn, I always hated the way he smiled…So anyways, he liked this statue so much he decided to bring it back here. And he did, putting the thing here, in his basement. You wanna know where the future people are going to get this statue 500 years from now? They’re going to find it. In this basement. And they’re going to like it so much, they’ll decide to put it out in a park. Just before my frind arrives.”

“You see the catch, don’t you?”

He turned to them.

“Answer me one simple question. When was this staue made?”

One thought on “The Statue that never was

  1. HanValen says:

    One of the people, a punk kid who is well liked since he can heal, but tends to break shit to do it, looks at the statue.

    He takes a drag on his cigarette.

    “Old man, you are asking the wrong question. Don’t ask when it was made.”

    “Ask when it is destroyed, that is the important question.”

    “Speaking of which, I could do a whole bunch with that statue….”


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