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Life Inc.

What would result if you associate an Avatar:Merchant and a Thanathomancer?

A very valuable service, selling life. The client looks for the victim, ¿victims?, for the ritual and is responsible for the cleaning.

What are you going to pay for?

Haven´t you see the ads, yet?

4 thoughts on “Life Inc.

  1. ervae says:

    Love it.

    Works out nicely for all involved.

    Maybe linkable to a Hitman: codename 47 style scenario.

  2. Pepe Pérez says:

    For me, the idea is closer to Hostel (the film), about people paying for killing voluntaries victims.

  3. Deathsong says:

    Better yet, the guy is both a Thantanomancer and an avatar of the Merchant, and he does business with the poor and the desperate. Using his Faust channel, he provides them with “the good life” for a set amount of time, and then they become willing sacrifices. Talk about a steady supply of significant charges.

  4. Pepe Pérez says:

    I think the only think you need for having willing victims is found somebody desperate enough. Imagine somewhere really poor, you just need to pay his family a huge amount of money and that´s all. The victims sacrifices himself for the family and the family has enough money for living well a lot of time.


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