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Cargo Cults

So, proxy ritual anyone?

Oh come on, this has so got to be some sort of proxy ritual for America in general or perhaps just her military. Set up to absorb some future Pearl Harbour or Nuclear Strike, one whole load of hell is going to be dumped on these Islanders when some smart-arse thinks a good idea would be to use a nuke on mainland US.

Of course you only get one use, so you had better be damn sure it is worth doing the dumping first.

3 thoughts on “Cargo Cults

  1. stange_person says:

    Proxy? No way.

    John Frum is taking a shot at dethroning the Comte.

    The last time the First And Last Man took a fall was 3.2 universes ago, when Dualism was hot and the Tomb of Homes was just getting set up. (That was before the lizards, back when us hairless monkeys had more to do with naked mole rats than dolphins, and nonhumanoid sophonts got most of the good Clergy seats.)

    Sounds like S(g)t. Frum has the military-industrial complex backing him up, at least indirectly. The humvee probably factors in somehow. I look forward to the fireworks.

  2. pedant says:

    Everyone knows the military-industrial complex was invented by a cabal of Soviet socialist occultists in 1958 in order to try and make the US less democratic in order to facilitate an eventual Communist Coup. When the Evil Empire went up, so did the complex (obviously, after all the inherent tension between right-thinking, democratic and moral institutions as opposed to the insane ravings of some German 19th pseudo-economist twisted to fit the crazed lust for power amongst the Russian Elite fell apart and so there was nothing left to power the complex, except some weak shit to do with the moral degeneration of the US).

    No, this Frum guy is an embodiment of “The Coloniser” come back to work serrious mojo for his country and nothing to do with the Comte, who is just the after-shock of the screaming birth of our world in 1605. Notice how he has been getting less and less active these last few decades? That is because the after-shock is finally dying down.

    And I am telling you, it is a proxy ritual. Why else the dressing up, the flag, the playing of the national anthem?

    I dunno, these new occultists these days, what are they teaching them? 😀

  3. rekyl says:

    Your all crazy!

    The modern countries in the west suffer not under some secret cabal of people, or a conspiracy but by symptomatic systems and effects in society.
    The leader of a nation is not evil, neither is the guy who ships anthrax. They are not in some secret plan they are seeing what they do as the only possible option and one that is sanctionned by all else.

    I suggest a good reading of “Farewell Proletariat” or “Self Directed Group Work” as an insight on the absence of conspiracies and how symptomatic systems and effects function within a group, a society or a company…

    Now those systems are of course part of the great machinery that is the work of the Demiurge who is the true face of the Comte de Saint Germaine. The mechanization of society only furthers this and the lie of the 333 seats of godliness are a way to make those who break through the first lie believe in the second one.

    (seriously, me and some friends are thinking of creating a form of adept school or whole school of thought for UA based on our base materialistic views… 🙂 … kinda make a crazy sociologicly acceptable school of magic)


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