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The Toady

The Crony, the Henchman, the Goon the greatest men in the world need a good loyal Toady

Attributes: The Toady is the unnoticed hands of the great minds, crime bosses and supervillians. Politicians and gang leaders. The Toady is not inherently evil but a Toady who was loyal to a truly good person would be treated with too much respect. The Toady is in essence mistreated and unappreciated but in all ways essential. The Toady is thought to be expendable and replaceable but nothing is further from the truth. The Toady is blindly loyal, he either respects his boss or fears him but he will never betray him.
The Toady could be unnoticed by his mentor, or mistreated by his boss. Whatever the reason the person he is loyal to mustn’t notice him for what he is, an unyielding ally and a great asset. The Toady represents the extreme of anyone who has gone unnoticed in the face of their hard work.
Taboos: The Toady is loyal to a fault. He must designate someone that he serves under, his Boss. Once this decision is made he must never betray this person. Betrayal is defined by the Boss he is loyal to and could range from lying to him to telling the cops about his doings. Regardless the Toady is aware of what would be betraying his Boss at all times and cannot be tricked into it, all betrayals are mindful and intentional.
In addition the Toady must not be respected or brought into the spotlight. If ever given the opportunity to shine more than his boss the Toady must avoid it and if he is ever unintentionally brought into the spotlight he must do all he can to divert attention from himself. The Toady is cursed to be mistreated and unappreciated and that is all he can ever be.
Symbol: Hands with blood or sweat on them, a mistreated pet.
Masks: Slews of minor gods and unpopular characters, in the true spirit of the Toady those its masks are all but forgotten.
Suspected Avatars in History: The Sheriff of Nottingham was almost certainly an Avatar of the Toady and the fame from his feud with Robin Hood was likely a gambit to push him from grace. Some argue Benedict Arnold was an Avatar of the Toady and when he became incredibly famous for his work as an American general he decided to cut his losses and become a less respected British soldier, but by then too many people knew his name.
1%-50% The toady is fiercely loyal to a fault, he can attempt to ignore a failed notch acquired while doing a task for his Boss. He may only ignore one such notch at a time and cannot voluntarily face it until the task is done. As soon as the task is complete the effects of the notch come into effect. The Toady may not ignore another notch until he as felt the effects or remedied this notch even if he begins another task immediately.
The Toady is motivated by the fear of retribution from his boss more than that of his fear stimulus. He is no longer restricted in what actions he may flip-flop when reacting to his Fear Stimulus as long as he is under orders from his boss.
The Toady can move unseen and manipulate things without being noticed, he becomes so forgettable in comparison to more interesting people. This ability works just like the Dipsomancer spell Just a Harmless Drunk as long as his Boss is in the same room or basic location and people are aware of him.
The Toady completely epitomizes the henchman, when ordered to do something directly by his boss, he may act as though he has any skill he knows with a rank equal to the corresponding stat.

Example: The Rat is ordered by his Boss Tony Knuckles to tear the locked door off of the getaway car so they can escape the cops. He rolls his Brute Strength Body Skill, normally at 35%, instead using his body stat at 55%.

One thought on “The Toady

  1. LiquidXlr8 says:

    Nice twist on the “necessary servant” avatar. I’ve been looking for something like this for my game, thanks.


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