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Do not cross

Whats a state line REALLY mean?

A friend of mine was into some bad stuff, you know…stuff that you do 7-10 for. Anyway, one night he got caught and him and his friends took off. They made it to their car and started driving. After 20 minutes they made it passed the state limits just to see the other cops standing on the other side …thats when things got weird. They officers just stood there…not taking a step. The ones chasing them stopped..right on the state line. (We figured at least) One officer tried to move forward but the others stop him looking a bit frightened. After a few hours both sides took off. weird i know, I’ve heard of state lines before but these cops had a look of real horror to them. After doing some research and using one of those GPS direction finder things, he found out he was inside the state lines. Which made us think. What came first…these lines or our states?

Another note of worth is after doing some testing with these lines. It seems at certain times of the night they take longer to cross…signs farther apart, driving time, etc. Maybe they grow and shrink to some kind of time measurement. If they do we haven’t figure out their connection yet.

7 thoughts on “Do not cross

  1. CriticalFault says:

    My first post…and as always…it sounded better in my head.

  2. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    Actually, that’s kinda neat. It could be indicative of Un-Federal Police Cults, “cracked” ley-lines, etc.

  3. Caesar Salad says:

    Could be fun to play with Urbanomancers and city lines. Out here in California, one city blends into the other. Where’s the line? What’s the significance of crossing it?

  4. CriticalFault says:

    See the way i figured…what split certain states? I understand most are natural land marks…large rivers or mountain ranges. What about the others? Why does Texas get to be the size it is and Rhode Island get to be its size? There has to be something more and if anyone would know. Its the police!

  5. Frisco says:

    And what’s up with Alaska? Why is it so far away? Does it just not get along with the other states?

    Is Canada just a friggin’ huge border? And is this the real reason we can’t have Puerto Rico as a state?

  6. Sir Cabhán says:

    Why are the states funny shapes when most of your towns in the USA are built on nice ordered grid systems? We only have one town in the whole UK that is built on a grid system and we all take the piss out of it – Milton Keynes. No one wants to live there, and those that do are reluctant to admit to it. But despite the orderliness of your Cities your states, like our Counties, are all funny shapes, and they don’t always correspond to natural barriers like rivers, mountains, lakes or whatever.

    Some reckon it’s to do with Ley Lines, but even so not all state or county borders correspond to those either…

    There must be other lines at work here. Maybe the 51 (?) states of the USA are each an occult shape corresponding to a week of the year. What will happen if the USA obtains a 52nd state? WIll the USA come to an end or will it become the New World Order that cabals have been trying to form since the days of JFK? Maybe when the USA gains its 52nd state it will finally rule the world in all realities, including within the Occult Underground. Maybe this will happen at the same time that all slots in the Celestial Clergy are filled and the world ends…

    So keep away from state or county borders as much as possible. Those things are just not safe to be around…

  7. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    50 states but multiple protectorates/pseudo-states. And you’re right, what if we got those extra two? We’d be a country for all seasons. The symbolic implications of that are across the board. We’d also be a complete measure of time. Heck, maybe it would start as just making the US THE place to buy calendars, long-term clocks, etc. That has implications, symbolic industrial and technological.

    But then… what if we get a third extra state? And a fourth? What happens when we get into Time Beyond Time as defined by Space Beyond Space (for certain values of Space, as defined by borders).


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