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The In-Store Camera of Hate

What if someone could make you famous; for all of the wrong reasons…

Let’s say you hated someone’s guts. Let’s say you knew what their biggest taboo (magical or otherwise) was and wanted to make them watch themselves break it on COPS or some such TV program. Well here’s a handy-dandy way to make their life miserable or at least their mojo flaccid.

It takes 2 minor charges for to “touch-up” a standard store observation tape and one significant charge for a store observation camera. Then, you call the police, or the media, or a close friend/ significant other who would be totally disgusted by whatever you want to have recorded on the tape.

Describe what this person is doing in graphic detail. If you disgust the person you describe this too, the tape is recorded. Then, you mail the tape to a media outlet, and get your popcorn ready.

The grimy, low-quality tape will run on air and depict the individual breaking taboo. That individual has to save vs. unnatural at level 3, or they will convince themselves they actually did what was recorded. Just as importantly, everyone else who views the tape will believe they did it.

2 thoughts on “The In-Store Camera of Hate

  1. W T Snacks says:

    Word on the street is, in smaller communities with local media this is also a handy way of convincing an enemy a well-known Unnatural-hardened battle Adept isn’t actually an Adept, or at least is defenceless for now – only for them to get a face full of gnarly mojo for their trouble when they try their luck.

  2. Basilisk says:

    This seems ungodly cheap for how easy it is to do. My gut reaction is to either bump up the base charge cost to two significant charges or add some extra gnarly ritual actions (perhaps involving Barbie dolls wound up in unspooled pornographic video tapes and chanting). Probably I’d do both.


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